Chapter 37

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I watched the play of emotions on the Santios' girls face. From hope to disappointment as the moment passed. I didn't have to look down at the marking peaking out of the collar of her jacket to know that they were unchanged.

It was difficult, but I managed to keep from breaking out in a smile as relief coursed through me. I had dodged a bullet.

Once again Amber's face played through my mind. Anxiety immediately hit. Had I screwed up beyond repair? I almost turned tail on the spot and ran for our beach. The only thing that kept me in place on that hanger, all the eyes and camera's focused in on me and the fact that even if I went to the beach she wouldn't be there.

So instead I forced myself to play the host. Just because she wasn't mine didn't mean I could leave her standing there. "I'm Alek."

"Soza." She breathed out in a soft voice. Once again I compared her to Amber, and found her to be the polar opposite. When Amber was dripping with confidence, this girl looked like she wanted to hide behind her father, whom she kept glancing over at.

Granted, she had just landed on a new planet, so maybe I should withhold my judgement.

"Should we disembark?" I gallantly offered my arm to her. She delicately threaded her arm into mine, looking like she barely wanted to touch me.

As we turned as one to head down the gangway, our fathers fell into step ahead of us. I could tell by the rigid set of my fathers shoulders that he knew. Unlike my mother who was still smiling broadly, practically bouncing on her tip toes in excitement.

I met eyes with Zeena as we joined the group and Mayor Talis stepped forward to great the newest Commander. I didn't have to say a word, she could tell by my body language alone that I hadn't found my mate.

I kept quiet, standing there with Soza on my arm as plans were made and disembarking was started.

"Why doesn't your family join us in our pod, we can mingle and get to know each other." My mother offered, just when I thought I was going to get a reprieve.

"I think I'll head back to my pod," Zeena obviously was able to sense the shit show that was coming. "I've got homework to do for tomorrow."

"Oh, I though you might want to get to know Soza." The smile faded only briefly from my mothers face. "But I guess it is best that Alek and her get time alone."

"Mom..." I started to break the news to her but was silenced with one look of warning from my father.

"Let's head to the pod to talk." He took my mothers arm and motioned for Commander Santios and his mate to follow their lead. Not seeing any other options I feel into step behind my father, Soza still clinging to my arm. It took what little patience remained in me not to shake off her needy hold.

"I'll find you later." I muttered to Zeena as we got back inside the compound and she tore away from our group. "We need to talk." Namely, on how she had gotten it so wrong. She had been so convinced the changing of my marks had nothing to do with Amber, so sure that she had even convinced me. I had gone against every instinct I had screaming at me that Amber was important.

"Good luck." Was all I got out of her before she turned the corner.

The door to my parents pod had barely slid closed before my mother was turning on what she assumed to be the newly mated couple. "I am so happy for you two. And Soza, you can't imagine how happy I am to welcome you to the family."

"We're not mated mother."

"Alek." My father admonished me for my blunt delivery, as he watched my mothers face fall.

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