Chapter 46

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"Oh my gosh." I gasped, reality hitting as soon as I broke the kiss to come up for air. "This can't be happening." .

I held a shaky hand to my swollen lips. Alek followed the movements of my finger. Looking hungrily at my lips as though itching to resume what he started.

"No...No...No...." I swam backwards, putting space between us while not turning my back to him in case he made another move. "This is wrong. It can't happen again."

"It didn't feel wrong to me." Alek stalked my movements, moving ever closer as I made my way to the pool edge. "It felt right, really right."

"How can you say that?" I all but yelled. "You have a mate. And I have...I have plans."

"Plans?" I hated  the affronted tone in his voice. As though doubtful any plans I had for my future couldn't possibly be more important than us. "What plans?"

"Not that it's any of your business. But I'm going to college. I just got accepted to Yale and USC." If I had been expecting an congratulations I would be sorely disappointed. No, Alek looked like I had slapped him.

"You're going away to school?" Why did this surprise him so much? Granted most that graduated from Mountain Lake High went to the University of Georgia which was only an hour away at most.

"Of course. I'm a Senior, so in the fall I'll be leaving, just like most 'normal' humans." I hated the defensiveness in my voice.

I couldn't tell you how long we floated there, feet from each other but not touching. It could have been seconds or hours, as I watched emotions flit across his face. Disbelief, anger, hope, confusion then finally settling into a look of pure determination.

"That's fine." He stated, starting toward me again.

"That's fine?" Like he had a say! Who did he think he was?

"Yes, we'll find a way to make it work." He sounded so confident, like the idea of us as a couple was a forgone conclusion. "People have long distance relationships all the time. You'll come home for breaks and I'm sure I can sneak off to come see you. Where is Yale anyways?"

"Connecticut." I answered automatically, shaking my head in dumbfounded disbelief. "But that's beside the point."

"Connecticut...that's a little far for a weekend trip. It would probably be easier if you went to South Carolina." He mussed out loud.

"Oh my God. You are such an ass." I snapped, how dare he think he would have any say in my future. "There will be no visits! Because we are not together."

"Look, I'm sorry for everything. For ending things..."

I didn't want to hear his apologies. "You have a mate." I yelled. Slapping against his hard chest. "You are taken. Or did you already forget about the stunning blonde whose always hanging on you."

I laughed to myself. How could he forget? Number one, she was gorgeous. Number two, according to Zeena, once you met your mate that was it for you. But then, if that were true, how could he be kissing me? How could he be looking at me like he couldn't wait for the opportunity to do it again?

"Amber. There's something I need to tell you." He moved closer, until he was only inches away.

"Oh my gosh. You're cheating on her." I gasped. Wasn't mate hood like marriage? "I'm the other woman. Again."

"Shh.. Listen." He placed his hands to hold either side of my face and forced me to look at him. "You're not the other woman." He chuckled at the idea.

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