Research: Stages of experience

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   {Levels of experience}

Level 1- You feel paranoid, hear taps every now and then, and you feel watched. Something knows about you but you're not danger.

Level 2- You hear a lot of tapping, and have increased paranoia, you isolate yourself and may have increased antisocial behavior, as well as ringing in your ears. Things are picking up whatever knows about you wants you to stop.

Level 3- More tapping and paranoia, hearing movement, feeling angry or irritable, feeling ill, odd appetite. You're becoming weaker and in danger.

Level 4- Anger, restlessness, everything is intensified, nightmares. You've read too much, you know to much and you're on to something.

Level 5- More antisocial behavior, feeling 'dead' inside, feeling crazy, everything is at peak intensity. You know a lot, you have a lot of important information, you're digging too far. This is a sign to stop immeaditly.

{Scales of risk}


-feeling watched
-looking at a fixed point
-less sleep at night


-hyposomnia (very tired)
-eating less
-waking up with wounds you have no recollection of
-weird dreams/nightmares


-seeing shadows
-looking at a fixed point


-eating too little or too much
-being very tired
-wanting to see blood
-being in a bad mood/ mood swings

june 19 2021

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