Entry 09

535 13 0

This is not a typical entry but I've pieced some things together. I have been in the creepypasta fandom for a while it has always been somewhat of a special interest if mine. So, anyways when I was just getting into the fandom in 4th and 5th grade (I was like 9-10 so since about 2015, 2016 era) it was very small stupid research but I remember having some of the symptoms. Headaches, nausea, ringing, no appetite, ect.

I feel like slender may have stalked me for a few months or years and then lost interest but now that I am doing serious research once again he has tooken some sort of interest in me perhaps. I'm not sure how likely it is but whatever. I feel like this has been going on for longer than I remember.

But yeah I found this kinda interesting and put the pieces together.

Have a wonderful morning/day/afternoon/night !

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