cat acting weird

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so Ik I've already talked about my cat but shes been acting a little strange ever since I started researching. she stares at certain things and chases things that arent there. another thing I noticed is that my energy levels have been weird, I go from super energized to kind of tired and I've had to drink more caffeine bc of it which sucks because if you have a caffeine addiction it causes nausea and rlly bad headaches cuz of the withdrawal. the last thing I noticed and forgot to mention is that I hear weird ringing which I usually dont. and I feel like someone is in the room with me when I know I'm fully alone. I take medication that gets rid of paranoia so it's not that and I dont feel like I'm particularly in danger or in harm's way. I get a little more sinister vibes at night but I think I'm just imagining it. also I was thinking about I research book I read where the person had schizophrenia which seemed to get more noticeable as the book progressed. now I'm very skeptical of this but maybe slenderman worsened it, he probably didn't cause it and there is a plethora of different reasons schizophrenia could develop. not 100% related to this chapter but I dont thing that sxcp was ever owned by creepypastas idk if there are any accounts owned by them left but it just really doesnt make sense to me. why would the creepypasta's would just put their existence out online, let alone where they could draw a lot of attention to themselves. also sxcp just, idk man, I get weird vibes and not in a creepypasta or paranormal way. I think it could just be some teenagers or random people messing around. I also dont think that the cleverbot stuff is real, not saying anyone who puts ss (screenshots) of their cleverbot conversations are lying. but think about it, tons of people have tried to summon BEN, and clever bot learns phrases from the users that talk on there. the only way I think that someone might be talking to a creepypasta or something else would be when the conversations seem almost too natural like uncanny valley vibes. but then again they could have upgraded the bots. I might visit cleverbot again to see if it's just like that now. but typically cleverbot conversations dont make any sense and are just weird or funny. also the picture I added is my cat shes a little over 3 months old now. I thought that it would lighten the chapter a bit for those who get paranoid about this stuff. on another note I dont think that the creepypasta's are trying to hurt me, not saying they are particularly fond of me maybe they're just observing me but I can't be sure. i never really get creepy vibes I have been more paranoid but that could be because I've been lacking on my sleep medication and my doctor prescribed me different kind so it could just be withdrawal. something else I forgot to mention is that my mom saw police cars looking for someone not too long ago. it was pretty weird but they could be looking for anyone and I dont want to jump to conclusions. one last thing I wanted to mention is that the day after I heard the weird clapping and scream I heard a siren like an ambulance or police, I've been hearing those quite often lately.

July 28, 2022

- vanii

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