research: entites and slenderman

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  So firstly I'm going to start with slenderman. Many speculate that slender man is a tulpa. If you dont know what a tulpa is it is a type of thought form. Others believe slenderman is an urban legend most commonly being saya'rith or Der Ritter. I may make a chapter on these separately but I'll just leave this here for now so we have an idea of what slenderman could possibly be. Personally I think he is an eldritch entity.

  Now on to the next more important thing I wanted to talk about. Many "creepypasta sightings" arent even creepypastas. They are usually spirits taking the form of creepypastas for mischief or to protect themselves hence why you would only see a glimpse of one, please remember creepypastas are some of the strongest and smartest killers out there they would probably not get caught or be seen by humans unless they were for some reason trying to drive them insane enough to be locked up or enough to k!ll themselves.

  Also remember creepypastas arent your friends. They will most likely kill you if you see them. You should also remember creepypastas arent humans, hell most proxies even have some sort of inhuman ability.

  Yes another short chapter yet again cuz honestly all my chapters are short at this point. Anyways have a nice day / night / afternoon / morning and stay safe.

~ vanii

october 6th 2021

☆Creepypasta research + experiences☆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz