✞everything you need to know

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☆ A compilation I made of all the basic stuff you need to know about creepypastas

-> stalking symptoms

Feeling observed
-Seeing out of place/odd shadows
-Unusal tics
-Hitting random objects for no reason
-Random aggression
-Hearing odd noises
-Feeling depressed or more depressed than usual
-Nightmates/excessive nightmares
-Waking up with wounds you didn't have before sleeping or have no recollection of having them
-Laughing for no reason
-Su1c1d@l thoughts
-Crying whilst laughing
-Looking at a fixed point for prolonged periods of time
-Feeling stronger than usual
-Random pains
-Little to no hungar
-Eating more than usual without control.
-Hearing laughing and footsteps at night time
-proxy/operator symbol being painted or carved into your skin
-Crying for no reason
-Drawing the operator/proxy symbol uncontrollably
-Feeling like your waiting for someone
-Illusions of the pastas
-Wanting to self harm when you usually dont do so or would usually never
-Hating the world for no reason
-Wanting to kill
-Thinking of murder
-Mood swings
-Blacking out
How to tell which pasta is harrasing/stalking you


-caughing fits
-hearing odd buzzing or static
-bad mood
-phone or other electronic devices not working as well as they used to
-seeing/hallucinating slenderman

Jeff the Killer:

-feeling observed
-stomach pains
-hearing footsteps
-wanting to see bl00d
-wanting to kill or thinking of committing homicide

Bloody painter:

-obsession with drawing
-odd dreams or nightmares and not remembering them
-hearing tapping on windows or knocks on doors
-waking up with :) painted on you


-problems with electronics
-feeling observed
-feeling tired
-feeling constantly out of breath
-lights turning off or flickering abnormally
-wanting to cry
-feeling dizzy

Sally William's/Sally Dawn:

-hearing the laughter of a girl or child
-feeling protected
-smelling something sweet
-seeing bl00d

Eyeless Jack:

-feeling observed/watched
-smelling something rotted/rotting meat
-seeing blood

Laughing Jack:

-craving sweets
-feeling observed
-laughing a lot or randomly
-hearing the laughter and cries of children
-seeing odd shadows

Ticci Toby:

-feeling extremely watched
-hearing metal rub against metal
-unusal tics (make sure you dont have something that could cause tics)
-strong pains
-low static

Masky + Hoodie/ Tim + Brian:

-feeling observed
-hearing laughter
-hearing whispers
-they may attempt to make you lose sanity
-will touch you (ex: tapping you, hitting you ect)
-strong pains
-may record you

-> the months

January- They watch and observe.

February- They observe new researchers.

March- Few people dissapear whether that be researchers, summoners, or others.

April- They began to harass researchers and summoners, some may dissapear.

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