Entry 10

533 14 3

    Last night I was SUPER paranoid maybe because I didnt take benadryl to help me sleep like I usually do but still it was super bad. I felt extremely watched and like... surrounded? Like people where everywhere watching me. It was a very eerie feeling.

I kinda feel like I shouldn't have opened that portal I think they have more access to this world almost (I mean I think in this reality slender exists so in a way I'm in slenders reality sorry if this doesnt make sense) so yeah I have a super bad feeling after I opened that circle/portal/whatever tf. Hopefully I didnt open a portal I didn't want to. Also I felt super watched this morning on my morning walk and i keep fixating on the same points on my walks.

Imma try to put dates and times again so: sat-April 3rd-2021 at 10:04am
Have a good day remember to stay hydrated !

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