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THREE YEARS from now in the original plot, a small shop became the Empire's most successful business would ever see. The shop owner invented the very first camera named KONON and many nobles and aristocrats loved the newly developed device. The emperor gave the shop owner the title of Baron and he became a leading role for the aristocratic faction. However, the Baron died together with all the aristocratic faction's loyalists when the second prince died in Season 2. Even with the newly gained status and wealth; the Baron fell into Marquess Zoliel's trap and was beheaded for treason.

Marquess Zoliel rose to power when the sponsored lady of Marchioness Susana became the Crown Princess candidate.

If I can stop Marquess Zoliel's greed to monopolize the merchants in the Empire, the aristocratic faction can rise to power, a power that will be enough to protect and support the second prince. And I will be the person behind the new king.

"Now what will make you fall?" Tori was staring outside of her window. It's been a month since that embarrassing banquet. She's been attending tea parties with the same ladies she first went to together with Sabina.

Nothing particularly changed except that Lady Elisa Castaña became good friends with that wench. It was irritating enough to see that a few things happened like it was following the original plot.

Curse that plot!

For the past month, Tori already recognized the sensual gaze of the Marchioness towards the butler. Tori knew where the evidence she needed was perfectly safe. She needed not worry about it.

And now, all she needed to do was plant the seeds of doubt in the Zoliel manor to destroy the Marquess House from within.

How to make the Marquess of House Zoliel fall? Easy. Destroy the reputation of the Marquess and Marchioness. After all, they're a couple who's known to love each other. Among nobles, the concept of love and marriage was not a necessity. But the high society sighed in awe when the famous couple got married, even if the Marchioness was originally a countryside noble with no estate and wealth but honor.

How pathetic. A make-believe fairytale that gave the House Zoliel an advantage will destroy their very core.

"Lady Tori, I'm done with the preparations you asked me to do."

Tori smiled at Lily, "Let's go then."

"Uhm my lady. The young man Rowan insisted to come with us." Uncertainty laced Lily's voice. It momentarily stopped Tori, but she already decided to show him her other side. He would find out that she's no saint one way or another. If she intended to own his loyalty, then there must be trust.

Though the original Victoria would surely laugh at the thought of befriending the very same person who antagonized her, things would change in Tori's every action.

"Let him come."

Rowan changed in two months since staying in the Rozenreff Duchy. Tori could see that he gained weight and a few muscles. Also, he grew a foot from before.

 Woah. What's with the sudden sprout? He's that malnourished?

He was the knight assigned to them for today. Technically, Rowan was still a knight-in-training but what they thought was that they were only shopping for some silk for Tori's embroidery but in reality, it was far from an innocent stroll in the capital.

"Good to see you faring well, Rowan." Tori offered her hand to him, which he hastily accepted. He guided her inside the carriage gently, like she was some kind of crystal.

You're such a gentleman, Rowan. No wonder the wench easily lured you to her honey trap.

"Everything is thanks to you, Lady Tori. I'll be your knight. No, I am your knight since the moment you reached out to me."

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