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TWO SIDE-CHARACTERS were left alone together after they saw their results. The two were standing under the old Willow Tree as their knights gave them privacy to talk. It was Prince Corean who initiated the talk, which Tori respectfully obliged.

"It did not really surprise me that you got the top score," Prince Corean was facing Tori's back while Tori was facing the Willow Tree's trunk. She was touching and feeling its sturdy surface.

Tori glanced at her back. "Hmm. Your Highness, have you ever thought of your future? The future?"

"That's a trick question, isn't it? The future, I didn't think that far ahead."

Tori's ruby eyes hardened from his reply. 

That is the reason why you and the original Victoria didn't last long in this twisted plot called fate. You are just stupidly going with the flow.

"You talk as if you know you won't live long." Though Tori's words were light, they were heavy to those who heard her.

"Be careful with your words, Lady Tori. You are still talking in front of royalty."

Tori sharply turned to Prince Corean. Gone was the sweet façade. "Am I? With the way things are, you will be very lucky to take part in the Crown's Hunting."

As we speak, the noble faction is working day in and day out just to find the Elysian Crown and proceed to their original plan.

"Your existence is a curious thing. You talk as if you know my future." Prince Corean was looking directly at Tori. His amber eyes glistened every time the sunlight touched him. His calm façade and gentle voice hid the cunning aura he truly emitted. He embodied a king who would bring down countries if he saw fit.

In short, he has the talent to become the king this Empire desires the most.

Ruby eyes answered with equal fervent. "I'm a genius. Forecasting one's future with the right reasoning is not an impossible thing to do. But my question is, are you satisfied with not knowing your future, your highness?"

I mean, are you satisfied not knowing when you will drop dead with your beloved mother?

They exchanged no words as Prince Corean walked away aside from dropping something on the ground. Tori didn't take it immediately, not when a couple of pairs of eyes were on them. But unbeknownst to anyone around them, the crumpled parchment was an invitation for a secret meeting held by the aristocrats.

The headmaster called Prince Corean together with Zeno McMillian Larat to congratulate them. Tori watched the interaction between the three.

Who would have thought that a year from now, Prince Corean and Zeno McMillian Larat would be standing against each other from both opposing sides? Zeno McMillian Larat's betrayal is a turning point for the execution of Victoria's role. If I can't have you by my side, then I shall destroy root and stem.

Tori's ruby eyes looked deadly under the shade of the Willow Tree as she gazed at the young genius lord. Prince Corean saw how she looked at the young lord who was oblivious to the seething look that Tori was giving to Lord Larat.

Her gaze spoke of promise that would be answered in this lifetime.

WORDS TRAVELED fast that the Trifecta Academy would welcome a new genius again. The last time it did, the said genius became Trifecta Academy's current headmaster. And now, the examinees who witnessed the results spread facts about the young genius lady from the Rozenreff Duchy. All nobles from the high society and the common folk from the capital were buzzing with the news the next morning.

Tori, who didn't come home after the dinner prepared by her father, rented a room in an expensive hotel located near the academy. She just gave her letter to Prince Corean's knight to deliver it for her which the latter approved of. The letter contained her apology for not coming home sooner and the reason why. She told the Duke that she was too tired to travel. Her façade hid her actual reasons.

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