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THREE HOURS before the allotted time, Tori woke up without help from Lily. There was no bell available to ring if she wanted an assistant for preparing. But the situation was not of concern for Tori, who lived the life of Talia. Being alone like this would somehow make Tori reminisce about her past life where she had to do everything and where life was not so easy, so her mother had to work extra hard for the two of them. A ghost of a lonesome smile appeared for a split second before it vanished like it was never there at all.

Every time Tori saw her reflection it would make her remember her goal, and that was trashing the original story's plot. Tori steeled herself and put everything behind her just to achieve it. She left her mother's memories from her past life to the past, together with her conscience and emotions. Or so she thought.

"It is also quite convenient to live alone, huh? I remember the days." 

Where I had to impress the entire school to raise my social standing. Nothing much is different in this setting, though.

Glancing at the time from her pocket watch, Tori wore a pale peach off-shoulder outdoor dress with minimal frills and ribbons. She let her hair loose with only a ruby-decorated hairpin on the other side of her hair. Her shoes with the same color as her dress but with a golden design on them, and her royal blue robe stopped at her midsection with the Rozenreff insignia embroidered at the back. Tori twirled with a satisfying feeling when she watched herself in the mirror.

It is good to know that I haven't lost touch yet.

"So, where is that Tessa located again?" Tori walked out of her room. The moment she opened her door, she could feel that the noble's dormitory had more students compared to yesterday when she arrived. Her room was situated in the east wing wherein the ladies' rooms were located. The west wing was for the noblemen.

It will be great if I will bump into the crown prince of Ming Country, but such a cliché is scarce just because I asked for it.

Tori would use her newfound friendship with Tessa for two things. The first one would be to get access to Crown Prince Lai Yin to manipulate the situation with the Oolong Tea. She needed to get closer to him, even though getting his favor would be a real challenge since they widely knew him to be a distant royalty who disliked being disturbed. With his complex attitude, Tori needed to know him first before earning his favor. The second thing would be to discover what happened to the original plot in connection to Tessa and the second prince.

Tori must know if Tessa should be kept by her side or should be eliminated for good. After all, she could not afford to ruin her plan for some sick puppy love.

Tori's feet led her to Trifecta Academy's principal building. This building had the headmaster's office, the professors' office, and the classrooms. She bet that the Student Affairs Office was at the main building.

Now, where are the signboards or guideposts?

Looking everywhere for the telltale sign of the office where Tessa was supposed to be working, Tori bumped into someone when she spun her body back. "Holy — "

"The hallway is too wide to bump into someone, but for some reason you did it." The sarcasm oozing from the person she bumped struck something inside Tori.

With a glare ready to melt an iceberg, Tori turned towards the owner of the gentle hands that were holding her waist steadily. But whatever smart comeback she was planning to say immediately went down the drain upon realizing who it was.

Of all the men that I could bump into! It should be this sapphire-eyed monster, first prince, Lauren Eckrett!

Sporting his infamous seductive grin that melts many ladies' hearts in the high society, he was looking at her with those same eyes.

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