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NOT PREPARED for this kind of situation, Tori did the first thing that came up to her mind. Pulling him closer, which shocked Corean, she locked her arms around his body as if she was hugging him back. But what Tori was aiming for was the second prince's open neck.

"What a naughty thing to do, your highness," Tori whispered before pressing his pressure point, rendering him unconscious in an instant. A sudden thud echoed in his room and afterward, a knock resounded.

"Your Highness?" Tori ignored the royal knight's voice. She was concentrating on transferring Prince Corean's sleeping form to his bed, though it would take her time to do so.

The knight would not dare to open Prince Corean's chamber, especially since he was the one who brought her there. She would let him think what he wanted, she would just tell Rowan to take care of him as he sees fit for her.

While looking down at the second prince's sleeping form on his bed, Tori could not help but took her sweet time gazing down at him.

You surprised me quite a lot there, dear Cory. I thought you always look cute with your smart but shy aura. But earlier, you were a wolf rather than a sheep.

Reaching out to touch his messy wavy brown hair, Tori smiled with no hint of malice for a split second. "I like that."

But your heart will be taken one way or another by your destined one, Tessa. I am just a minor villainess in this plot who is doing everything to survive in this wretched storyline.

Maybe if you were born in my past lifetime, I could fight for you. But I can't as long as I want my head intact on my shoulders.

Tori took her locket. She was wearing this for quite some time now. It was a token gifted by Lady M as she was the newest member of the aristocratic faction. The red powder inside her oval-shaped locket was a powder that would make anyone forget the recent events for those who sniffed it. "Forget this morning and sleep like it never happened at all."

I need you to forget what happened this morning, Cory. I am sorry. I know this is too much to erase a memory without your permission. But I can't let you have those thoughts with me. I already decided that I will use you the best way I can. After all, I will save your wretched life for my benefit.

I have no right. You must be with Tessa after I use you well.

Blowing the powder to his face. For the first time since she transmigrated, Tori felt the opposite of happiness. But the moment she saw her reflection in his mirror at the corner, Tori realized feelings wound mean weakness and weakness meant mistakes leading to her dead end. 

I can't afford that.

Just as Prince Corean's memories vanished into thin air, Tori's newfound affection was buried in the deepest part of her rotten soul.

As Tori opened the door, before the knight could utter a word to her, Tori blew him the powder, leaving the royal knight unconscious. 

It will only take half an hour to wake them us so they will be fine. Now, where's that crown prince I'm looking for?

ZENO MCMILLIAN Larat was someone that was part of Tori's bullshit top list, and seeing him as the only one with a vacant seat for her first class made her hate him all the more. Thanks to a certain someone, she forgot about her classes while finding Prince Yei Lin's whereabouts.

He was fidgeting next to her, which irritated Tori. Why am I having a wretched bad day?

Professor Vida went on and on with the Empire's history, together with the history of other countries. As someone who had watched until Season 5, Tori did not pay attention to the class. Instead, Tori was planning a countermeasure from the information she had gained.

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