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TORI WAS alone and contemplating inside her room. She's seriously staring at the invitation letter that Lily reminded her about. The previous Victoria still decided to not attend this banquet, even after knowing where it came from. It was common knowledge that to refuse a royal invitation meant disobedience to the royal family. Luckily, Tori attended the banquet with her father and that wench.

Two days after the tea party, Sabina was still in her room. The meals were being delivered there. She barely even showed herself, and according to Lily, that wench looked quite haggard. Tori couldn't blame her, since her grand plan to earn the Marchioness' good side was all in naught after she interfered. Instead, Tori became the star of the party.

After getting involved just to show some action in front of the high society ladies, Tori knew words would spread about her benevolence that's comparable to the kindhearted Duchess Camila. Tori didn't need to do much for some time. She could focus on her priority without concerning about her terrible reputation anymore. And her priority was money. She needed to accumulate a vast wealth under her name alone. To do that, she needed to make use of the knowledge she had in her past life.

Being the person who knew what would happen in the future, Tori knew what business would become successful or who would become the future talents of the Empire. She also knew that there would be a great plague that would kill a lot of nobles and aristocrats.

With this information, it would be so easy to manipulate the Empire even from Tori's room. All she had to do was move the pieces at the right time.

And the banquet they would attend was the second prince's fifteenth birthday. Eckrett Empire's royal princes got divided into two. The first prince and the future crown prince were the male lead of this Netflix series. And the second prince was just a side character who later on died in Season 2 from the great plague. But there were many rumors among the avid fans of the Thorny Crown Series that the noble faction was behind the second prince's death. From what Tori saw from the Netflix Series, the second prince had very few appearances. It was like they made him a character to emphasize the first prince. Even his death emphasized the male lead. It was like how the original Victoria had to die just to let the half-blood Sabina be the heir apparent of Rozenreff Duchy.

Victoria Rozenreff and the second prince. In some ways, they were alike. Their role in the story was to simply exist and die for the protagonists of the story.

What a load of bullshit! Don't worry, my dear second prince. I will help you become king so in return, permit me to crush your older brother to pieces.

Even if it was only a distant memory for this body, as the new inhabitant of this said body, Tori could still feel the icy touch of the sharp blades of the guillotine on her neck. Subconsciously, she touched that certain part of her neck.

My head is still here, bitch. Watch out for your head, Sabina. In this game, the winner keeps her head, huh?

THE BANQUET was in full swing. Her father was with the noble faction and the king. Sabina was dancing with a count's son and was practically glowing up. Her charms were in full battery tonight, Tori guessed. Tori after being introduced by her father together with Sabina was sitting and eating comfortably.

There were a lot who tried to start a conversation with her, but she was not in a mood to invest in meaningless chat. If she would engage herself in a conversation, she would only choose one person. The birthday boy, but he was busy entertaining the imposing aristocratic faction. Although his backside looked uncomfortable, Tori couldn't be so sure since he was yet to be greeted by her. And she had no plans to greet him either.

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