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THORNY CROWN, was a Netflix adaptation of the equally famous novel of this series. The author of this novel series died a week before Talia died in that world. And now, she's inside the popular Netflix series, "Thorny Crown." Talia couldn't believe that the actress who acted as Lady Victoria in the Netflix adaptation would fail compared to the real deal, even if how many times she would stare at her new body.

So I should stop referring to myself as Talia, huh? Despite that, the honest Victoria told me not to lose myself. Then, I will use my experiences as Talia to live splendidly as the reborn Lady Victoria, who will also crush Sabina to bits.

"Victoria is old-fashioned. Hmm. Lily!"

Her maid stepped forward from standing on the sidelines. The others who were not called stayed at the corner. She did not miss one particular maid, auburn C-cut hair with stupid yet greedy cobalt eyes, Mia. She was the downfall of the original Victoria since this Mia-mutt was a spy sent by Sabina, her dearest half-sister. She particularly hated this one since Victoria truly trusted this mutt until they executed her. The original Victoria saw how this mutt laughed secretly together with Sabina.

"Yes, Lady Victoria?"

"I implore you to call me Tori from now on and not Victoria. It should be Lady Tori. Do not make me repeat this, so pass it along with the other handmaidens."

Though Tori could see the bewilderment on Lily's face, the latter did not dare question her. "Understood, Lady Tori." Lily politely bowed before passing her order to the rest of her handmaidens. She knew that her new nickname would reach all the servants in this household by evening.

"Now, leave me alone. The doctor told me to rest, so rest I shall do."

She could sense the icy gaze among the maids that exited the room after showing her common courtesy by bowing their heads. Lily remained to check everything before reminding her she was only one call away.

Talia, now Tori, immediately sat in front of her study table. She looked for some parchment and a quill and started writing the focal points of this Netflix series. While writing, she used coded symbols as she was wary of the Mia-mutt spilling these goods to Sabina.

Better safe than sorry.

Victoria Rozenreff died when they framed her, saying she allegedly poisoned Sabina, who was the Crown Princess of the Empire of Eckrett, after getting engaged to Crown Prince Lauren Eckrett. They found a bottle of poison in her room, thus solidifying the evidence against Victoria. The duke who cherished Sabina more abandoned her eldest daughter, thus leading to the execution of Lady Victoria Rozenreff even when she was a noble. Everyone felt sorry for Crown Princess Sabina, who suffered so much from her half-sister. Everyone hated Victoria except Lillian, her maid. Nobody would know except the viewers of the series how twisted Sabina truly was. Sabina had the image of a saint, and Tori was itching to destroy that facade.



Two figures came rushing in without further announcement. The first was a middle-aged man with a dominant stance and identical ruby-red eyes. He had chocolate-colored hair, like the female who entered her room. It was evident that Tori and Sabina were leagues apart from each other. While Tori had fiery ruby eyes and silky golden ringlets, Sabina had calm pale sapphire eyes and straight chocolate-colored hair. In simple terms, Victoria truly looked like a noble, while Sabina lacked the red eyes that symbolized the Dukedom of Rozenreff.

This is one of the insecurities of this maggot which will be revealed when they execute Victoria.

Tori's handmaidens came in after the two, along with the butler and the handmaidens of Sabina. Sabina's handmaidens, especially her maid, Shena, threw icy glares at Tori. Unlike before when Victoria would throw a tantrum at her father for bringing Sabina along, Tori calmly faced the two with a warm smile on her face – a perfect display of a noble's elegance.

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