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Wayne Manor, Gotham City.

It took 12 hours for Nico to wake up, and in those hours, I was assigned by Bruce to watch over the boy. He told me about his name, and some of the information he found about him. He voiced out to me that he was definitely suspicious and live through almost a century without getting old. Like an old Grandpa.

Bruce also handed me the files about the ones Nico affiliated with, and apparently the blonde dude who definitely looks like his boyfriend he's with in the picture is called Will Solace.

He was seen with some blonde girl for the last 6 months, even though he was also seen with Nico in those past months. Both in an intimate way. Dude looks like he's cheating.

I look at Nico di Angelo and stared at his face. He's handsome and definitely prettier than the blonde girl.

Nico has shoulder length black hair. It look and feels soft to touch. He also have unnatural pale skin that most girls would definitely die for. He's in shape too. He's a bit short with a skinny but not so skinny build, with six packs abs and all. His features are definitely of Italian descent. He looks like a model who could cross dress between men and women without anyone realising. Overall he's a beauty.


I shook my thoughts away and moved closer to the groaning and obviously awakening boy. I put on his shoulder in order to assist him of sitting up or moving but instead I got flipped off.

"Who are you?!"

I stood up from myself being flipped and touch my back. Ouch!

I moved my eyes to the glaring Nico di Angelo and glared back, barely suppressing a shudder under his very familiar glare . Shit! It's like Bruce's bat glare.

"1Can you not punch someone who's just trying to help you?" The boy have some skills. I didn't even sense him going to flip me. I can't move fast enough to dodge the attack.

"How can I, when you're a literal stranger?" He said.

"Fair enough." Even I would punch someone if their face is the first one I see after I wake up. Especially when it's someone I don't know or even worse, a villain.

"Answer me. Who are you?" He asked, the temperature in the bedroom dropping astonishingly.

"I'm Richard Grayson, but I prefer Dick."

" Who prefers Dick over an already good name? " The temperature from earlier cane back to normal which I was thankful and suspicious for. He appeared out of the shadows, so there's a 100% chance that he can control the shadows. It also seems like the temperature drop was his doing so he have multiple powers or magic.

"I do." I said, furrowing my brows showing my frustrations at the Italian in front of me. I really want to punch that pretty face of his!

"Huh!..." He stared at me for a second before rambling some nonsense questions that I imagined Wally would have been asking me if he knew my identity. "Why do you prefer Dick? Are you a Dick? Or do you like Dick? Are you gay?!"

"Seriously? I prefer it just cause! And no, not that I know of, and no I don't know yet. I didn't question my sexuality yet, so I'm not sure! And rude!" This kid is making me irritated.

"Oh... Sorry. I just sometimes ramble some stuffs and all. Sorry for... jumping into conclusions." I nodded at his apology. I see his sincerity in his eyes and voice. Now, I kind of sound like Wonder Woman! "...I'm Nico di Angelo."

I looked into his dark brown eyes that almost looked like black if it weren't for the light reflecting his eyes. Shaking his outstretched hand, I introduced myself again to the suspected meta-human.

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