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WARNING: this is a chapter full of Aphrodite hate and bashing!!! Be warned...


Throne Room, Mt. Olympus.

The Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty without any delay called on an Emergency Meeting to all Olympians. Her mind full of panic.

Apollo, the first to arrive, flashed his self on his bright golden throne. An annoyed look on his handsome face.

" What do you want? " With no greetings and all, the sun god got to the point. His whole system brimming with annoyance.

" We need to- "

Before the Greek Goddess could even reply to the Sun God. The other Olympians apart from Hades had arrived.

" Dite what seems to be the problem? " The bulky and worried God of War asked his lover. His question and worrisome expression earning an eyeroll from everyone in the Room apart from the one in question.

" Yes DITE! What seems to be the PROBLEM? You out of cuticles? " Hera asked. The amount of sarcasm dripping from her words and mouth almost making everyone in the room laugh at the teary and gritting Goddess of Love.

" I don't need your sarcasm HERA. There's a much more important thing for me to sa- "

Once again, the panicking and worried Aphrodite was cut off.

" Something much more important than your nails?! " Hera exclaimed. A fake and mock expression of shock on her face. Shocking the majority of all Olympians as a smirk of provocation mades it way on her elegantly carved face.

Both the mocking and insulting sisters (Hera and Hestia) are giving the Goddess a provoking smile. Both still holding a piling grudge against her, with her hurting Nico as the cherry on top.

" I said I don't need your sarcasm! Even you HESTIA! " Aphrodite screeched in anger. Her kaleidoscopic eyes shining in anger and annoyance. Her death glare directed at the two sisters. The threat in her eyes not scaring any of the women. Both of them still wearing a mocking smile.

" If you have something REALLY important to say then say it. Don't waste any more of our time. " The silent and watching Olympians at the side agreed at the Maiden Huntress's words.

" The other Pantheons are coming here and they may wage war and i- "

" Why would they wage a war? Things have been peaceful for the past centuries and years especially now after the son of Hades became the Child of Pantheons and Ambassador for both Greek and Roman Mythology. There are no huge reasons for them to suddenly do so. " The God of Travellers cut off. Not even giving a dam at the red Goddess of Love.

" Indeed. There are no known particular reasons for them to do so. Unless... " The Goddess of War's beautiful and wise Grey orbs moved and land on the now fidgeting Aphrodite. Her eyes showing knowledge, wisdom, and mockery.

" Unless someone made a reason to do so. " The God in black entering the Throne Room added.

His onyx eyes glaring holes at the Goddess of Love and Beauty. His handsomely structured face expressionless. Robes of black, shadows, and screaming souls adorning his tall and perfectly muscled figure.

" Brother! " Hera and Hestia exclaimed. Smiling at the eldest brother of the complicated family in greeting. Which the God of Riches responded with a hum and nod as he sat on his nightly throne of gold, Stygian iron and skulls.

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