Quit it once and for all

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There are many times when a writer must have felt they wanted to quit. Every single writer you know will have felt this. In fact, it's not just about writing. It's about every kind of passion that exists. We start comparing ourselves to each other, even though we are unique and different. And no writer writes a story the same way. Yet we have felt that we are not good enough and want to quit. Sometimes, the writer never looks back at their old notebook which was once filled with amazing stories.

I asked my fellow author friends about this and here is what they had to say.

Different authors have different opinions about this. Not all of them have felt like they wanted to quit because their love for writing. But that doesn't mean others love writing any less. We want to quit mostly because of the insecurities that linger in our hearts and mind.

2. How often did you want to quit writing?

teaa_mi : There was only one period where I struggled with wanting to quit and that was the moment before I decided to unpublish Deception.

I didn't give myself a proper break after finishing Life Saver, which I now know is a grave mistake. Writing has a natural arc I didn't respect, where there are times of positive growth and artistic spurts followed by times of rest. By not giving myself time to calm down and see where I am in the world, I found myself at the middle of the plot with a completely different writing style than what I had at the beginning. I hated how you could see my development through the chapters.

That was a tough lesson I needed to learn the hard way, but I managed to come out of it and stop myself from thinking that I am not cut out to be a writer and focus on improving myself instead.

Moycheko : I started writing not so long ago (March 2020) and I already had two occasions where I wanted to delete my works and stop writing completely.

lovelyandbubbly : At least once a week? Not writing in general, I would never be able to stop doing that. Writing is a part of me, like a calling. But, I write fanfics (mostly) and fanfics tend to grab attention good and bad, sometimes it's hard to deal with some of the people that judge what you put out there

SakuLee26 : Hmm very often to be honest. I didn't feel I'm good at writing.

moonvanjoon : Sometimes. It's a thought that comes and goes.

ennkay_ : Like every month lol

xxxxxpuxxxx@xxx.com : Everytime I update

xxxxchaxxxx@xxx.com : I've never really feel like quitting but I just feel really unmotivated at times to write, occasionally.

aarmiy : I've never wanted to quit entirely because it's something so essential to daily life in some way or another, but I've had three or four times where I haven't gone back to my book for two months or more just because I didn't have any motivation.

inbabypink : For me, writing is a hobby. So rather than thinking that I want to quit, it's more about whether I'm in the mood to write or not. I think even when I stop writing on wattpad, I will be keep on writing. Anytime I want to write, anywhere, about anything.

But if the question is: have I ever thought of quit writing on wattpad? The answer is yes. Maybe several times. Nothing serious about it, though. Sometimes I just found the environment isn't too healthy anymore for me. PERSONALLY ;)

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