I Write When I'm [Insert emotion]

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How often do you update your books?

xxxxxpuxxxx@xxx.com :  Once in a week

moonvanjoon : It depends. Sometimes weekly, sometimes every other week, but I do try to update for sure at least once a month.

ennkay_ : Oh, Niha. You're so funny! I like this question a lot. I actually haven't updated since October 2020 (I'm not including the one filler chapter I updated in December because I'm not that proud of it). But back when I had an update schedule, I liked to update every week or every two weeks! :)

I'm slowly getting back into writing though, so I want to establish a weekly schedule again soon!

aarmiy : Recently I've been updating once every four days, but it's been a week since the last, I think. It's really inconsistent, not gonna lie LOL, but it just depends on how much I have planned out to allow me to have a steady flow of work. At one point when my chapter lengths were generally shorter than what I do now, I was doing an update daily. The longest I've continuously kept to it, it was probably an update a week, and this is what I recommend. Planning is key, and once you have your story planned, you have to stick to ticking off a piece of the plot each time the scheduled day comes around, otherwise you can lose the knack for it and get a bit lax. This is already happening to me LMAO Don't be hard on yourselves though, sometimes you just gotta sit back and vibe, or you're just too busy, and that's okay B)

inbabypink : I only have one (finished) book so far so I can’t say much. But when I start to write, I want to write in continuity to keep the mood going. I used to update every 3-4 days or at least once a week. But not gonna lie, there was a couple of times that it took more times. Life happens, what can I do~

jjkskiess : I’ve stopped publishing books so never haha? But when I used to write I used to update daily-weekly depending on my schedule :)

xxxxchaxxxx@xxx.com : I try to update weekly, but that doesn't really work out as I often go through a writer's block and lose motivation to carry on writing.

hiseyestell : Lately I’ve been a lazy and unmotivated writer. I’m also busy with school as a graduating high school student. A few readers have complained about my very sporadic updates. I feel bad for updating two or three updates every month…

taehphoria : every week, everyday— it honestly depends on the pace of the book, how many drafted chapters i have or my motivation.

penbangtan : Depends, I’m not always consistent but I do try my best to update once or twice a week !

CupcakeShae :  I've been on hiatus for over six months due to personal reasons otherwise I did twice or thrice a week. 

KAYOCLOCK : I can't say if it's often, but I update when I engage with it. Which is almost every day. My heart and my mind should be in agreeing terms when I decide to update. It also means that I'm very careful about what I write, and, especially, I am concerned about the message I'm putting out. (This is something all the writers can up-vote for.) I don't update regularly, either. Not now. I do it when I, as I said earlier, feel like lacking. Then I get a chapter done, press that PUBLISH NOW button, and enjoy it with the readers.

dimpletales : answering this question's a bit difficult because I haven't written anything here for quite a while now. When I used to write full length stories, though, I stuck to a weekly or bi-weekly basis. If I felt like the chapter is long and enough to keep everyone entertained until post a new one, I always opt  to update once a week. And if, say, the chapter ends on a cliffhanger or something, I'd update twice a week. Sometimes, when the going gets tough and I'm swamped with work and stress and whatnots, I'd work on a chapter through the course of a few weeks. There were times when I updated once or twice a month and though that would make you feel bad and guilty for making your readers wait, it's always about you and how happy you are with your writing at the end of the day (:

lmaojahnavi : There was a phase in 2020 when I used to update every alternate day, and it was really fun, too. Mostly because I didn't have anything else to do, so it was easy for me to devote my time and energy to writing and finishing my books. However that phase ended with my college reopening and these days I barely update once a month. It's very tough balancing writing with college related work and if someone has any tips on how to go about it, I'm all ears!

teaa_mi :  It was once a week before, but now it takes me up to a month to do so.

It's a combination of my adamant will to write out the best chapter I can, countless hours spent on various internet pages in the name of research, struggle to find the perfect instrumental music that goes with the mood of the chapter I'm writing and my obligations as a human being outside of the internet.

Seeing as writing is still only a hobby, I can't dedicate a lot of my time to it and often find myself quite tired or incapable of mentally facing the scenes I want to write. I'm searching for something close to perfection, that's why it takes time and some consider me a drama queen, but the effort invested in it pays off–the comments and support I get are so damn worth the scuffle.

procrastinity : Once in a million years- well, technically, once in a month. I try to update once a week at least but something in my life always comes and bulldozes that notion. That's why I take at least a year to finish a book with more than 20,000 words. But I usually update consistently well when I'm nearing the end of my story - like when there are 15-10 chapters left.

persenthe : Not very often, I'm sad to say. I write quite a bit outside of Wattpad (I'm actually writing a poetry book I will hopefully publish this year), but I try to update my books at least three to four times a month. Sometimes, though, the majority of my updates comes from random spurts of energy and motivation, especially with my poetry anthologies. It's hard writing poetry without intense and distinct feelings! At least for me anyway.

Moycheko : Very irregularly. I write very slow, so it can take up to 3 months until a chapter comes out. 😅

: Depends on the book. But usually it's twice a week each book

SakuLee26 : I uploaded very regularly at first but dou to personal issues it depends on my time.

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