Ugh, It's The Writer's Block Again

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What do you do to overcome writer's block?

KAYOCLOCK : Writer's block is when a writer slows down in their creativity. This has to be a bad dream for every writers out there. When I'm struck with the sudden burst of energy to write my heart's content, whatever the form of emotion culminating in me — this is when I can't write. This is when the curtains pull, windows lock, and the atmosphere calls out to me: that I've hit rock bottom. I fold inward and into my soul, torn apart that the most beautiful thing in my life has betrayed me. To overcome it, I sit in my garden and feel the breeze on my face, allowing my thoughts the liberty to soar out of their cramped space. I also tend to read a lot of books, initially reading the same books again and again. I also talk to people, so that something they say about a certain topic — important or not — would serve as an inspiration for me to write about them, once the writer's block tires itself out.

penbangtan :  I take a break.

I adore this girl because she's so smol 😔

CupcakeShae : Read books, watch any series, talk to a friend, or just relax because maybe that's what my brain is wanting to me to do at that time.  Just don't overwhelm and burden yourself and it'll come to you at the time it's fated to.

SakuLee26 : Watching dramas xD
And reading other books. Listening to music to find inspiration in any lines.

lovelyandbubbly : By writing. I sit in front of the computer and force it out of me. Sometimes a sentence other times a whole paragraph the important is I dont stop and give up altogether. There are playlists with specific songs that will trigger my motivation and calm me down so thats what I do, I put them on and just try to write even if for a little.

Moycheko : Ah yes, every writer's biggest enemy. Writer's block. I had (and occasionally still have) big problems with that since I get stuck in my head very easily. I used to get anxious only thinking that I needed to sit down and come up with an idea of how to develop the story, or even how to connect certain parts, and I had no idea whatsoever. That is the main reason why publishing takes so long. I only recently figured out  how to overcome it. The first thing is that I simply let it be and work on other stuff until my mind is ready again. What also helped me was going through sites like TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, etc, because sometimes I would see a picture/video/scene and an idea would form in my head. Watching movies and reading helps, too. But what probably helped the most is talking to friends/other authors and simply ask for their opinions. I am amazed how sometimes the answer is right in front of my nose. BUT, it can't just be anybody (for me at least). It preferred that it's someone you are close to, who "gets you" and understands what you are trying to achieve, how the scene/book is supposed to feel like. Usually people have Betas for this exact purpose, but sometimes a close friend is enough. ☺️

teaa_mi : I don't even know myself. It truly depends on the situation and the type of scene or a plot point I get stuck at.

Having a theory that mental state greatly impacts my writing capabilities is something I'm sure many will agree with. I won't be able to write about my character being stuck in a toxic relationship if I had a wonderful night out with my friends. My giddiness simply won't let me get into a serious state of mind I need to be in to depict the resolve or the fear the character needs to have in such a crucial moment.

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