Chapter Thirty-Two: Kill or be Killed

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     My eyes dart over to the startled guards, whose heads promptly swivel around as they try to identify the source of the noise. At the sound of glass smashing, they instantaneously flood into the building from both sides.

"Now." I signal to the rest of the team as Chester jumps through the shattered window, disappearing from view.

     Putting my hand on the stack of crates, I spring upward, leaping over them and breaking into a sprint towards the warehouse. The sound of bullets ricocheting off the metal walls and shouts of alarm penetrates through my ears as I approach the building. I slow my pace to a sudden stop as Ellie jogs up beside me.

     Sending Ellie a nod as she catches up, I pull my gun from its holster and pull back the slide as Ellie does the same. The warehouse door flies off its hinges as my shoulder slams into it with as much force as I can muster.

     Falling into the building with Ellie close behind, we immediately aim our weapons toward the chaos ensuing in the middle of the room. The smell of smoke flares through my nostrils. I squint, struggling to see the dark silhouettes scuffling through the haze as the already dim lights flicker. Chester's winged figure differentiates him from Umbra's men, but with how speedily he shifts from place to place and with how quickly he disappears and reappears from view, taking a shot without hitting him would be almost impossible.

     I clench and unclench my jaw in frustration before shoving my pistol back into its holster and dashing toward the fast-diminishing smoke.

     I bolt towards the nearest blurred outline of a person. Seizing the man's weapon, I slam it into his face repeatedly before letting go and allowing him to fall to the ground with a thud.

     My vision fails me, my eyes beginning to well with water, the gas stinging them. They scour the warehouse for movement through the smoke tainted air.

     A set of footsteps scurry around directly in front of me. Hoping it's not Ellie, I lunge forward, grappling them to the ground. A pair of rough hands claw at my face as my fists pummel into the man's face mercilessly.

     A sloppy yet forceful punch lands home on my torso, knocking the wind out of me and sending me to the floor. Taking the opportunity, my opponent scrambles up from the floor and over to me.

     I vaguely register his bloodied features looming over me as the cloud of mist enveloping the area begins to clear. My eyes enlarge as the lights continue to flicker, illuminating the tip of a steel blade aimed at my head. My hands shoot up and grab the man's wrist.

     The man's face contorts as he pushes down on the blade. My muscles strain as I struggle to keep the knife from plunging downward into my flesh. It now threateningly lingers mere inches above my eyes.

     The man's head springs up at the sound of a thunderous animal-like roar ringing through the air. Making good use of his vulnerability, I grab ahold of his hand, twisting the knife around. With a quick thrust, I plunge the knife into his neck.

     The blade produces a squelching sound as it sinks into his flesh. I squeeze my eyes shut as warm blood sprays over my face, and a gurgling sound erupts from the man's throat.

     His body goes limp as he topples over to the side, allowing me to scramble backwards.

     I gulp down huge breaths of air. Staring at the man's bloody corpse with blood pooling around it, I struggle to catch my breath, more from shock than actual exhaustion.

     I vaguely register Ellie's distinct figure come over to me. She kneels down, grabbing ahold of my shoulders and hoisting me to my feet.

"Come on!" Ellie barks. She sidesteps, a stray punch flying past her, as the words leave her mouth. With a growl, Ellie seizes the attacker's arm and pulls them forward. They grunt as she knees them in the stomach a couple of times before throwing them aside.

"Umbra scum," she snarls.

     The metal butt of a gun suddenly slams into the back of my neck. I stagger forward, struggling to catch my balance. My neck throbs as I spin around to find myself staring down the barrel of a gun.

     My hand instinctively seizes onto his wrist before he can squeeze the trigger. He cries out, his arm being twisted around unnaturally. The man's iron grip on his gun loosens instantly, soon allowing the weapon to fall to the ground with a clatter. My fingers curl up to form a fist and fly up to meet the man's face. After a few hard-hitting punches, my former opponent's body thuds as it hits the ground.

     The last of the smoky mist that once lay heavy in the air finally begins to lift. I cast my gaze around the dingy warehouse. Umbra's men lie sprawled over the ground, some dead, some merely unconscious. Ellie stands in their midst, her hands proudly resting on her hips as she admires our handiwork. Rychner appears mildly surprised as he pokes and prods at the bodies on the ground, but Doctor Lopez not among them.

     Movement in my peripheral catches my attention. A rather petite figure bolts out the door at top speed with a winged figure in close pursuit.

     Impulsively, I break out into a sprint behind the two of them before anyone has a chance to react. Almost as soon as I step outside, the deafening sound of a bullet ripping through the air pierces my ears. I come to an abrupt halt as Doctor Lopez hits the ground with a thump.

A/N: I am happy to present to you an update that is not actually late. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it and thank you for reading! Anyway, have a great day, and God bless!


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