Chapter Seventeen: The Escape

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     The sound of alarms blares through the hallway continuously as my eyes slowly begin to peel open. Clearly the shock batons did not have as much power in them as they thought. The guards had just about got the cell door slammed closed they had not gotten very far.

"Get out of here, quick!" Lopez shrieks to the Overseer. He immediately bolts as far away as possible until he is no longer in sight. I have no clue what that alarm is for, but if it means something is wrong for doctor Lopez and the Overseer it is definitely going right for me.

     I break free of the guards' feeble grasp seizing the moment of opportunity and elbowing him in the face. I then jab another in the throat. He puts his hands on his throat and wheezes whilst taking a few steps back.

     One of the men aims his baton straight for my head. I grab his wrist and begin to unload numerous punches into his torso before he has a chance to react. I am soon stopped by various blows to my own torso. This forces me a few steps backwards. The guards must not have had time to lock the cell again when the alarms started because Daesung kicks the cell door open and joins in the fight with Dan following close behind.

     Ducking another blow to grab a shock baton from off of the ground, I use it to whack a guard over the back of the head. When the next one strikes I wrap my talons around his arm, stepping behind him and pulling it up into an unnatural-looking position causing him to shriek out in pain. In my peripheral vision, I make out someone running in the other direction. I look over the man's shoulder and identify the fleeting individual to be none other than doctor Lopez. There is no way I am letting her get away.

     Releasing the man's arm and allowing him to crumble to the ground, I step over him, walking to towards the doctor. My pace briskly quickens until I break out into a sprint after her.

     I am quickly gaining ground on her when various loud bangs sound throughout the building. I come to an abrupt halt and scan the hallway for the source of the sound that could only be explained as a series of explosions. The loud sounds continue to erupt some louder some quieter, in other words, some closer, and some farther away. The next explosion goes off, only this one a lot louder, and closer, right beside me in fact. The force of the blast sends me and various chunks of debris flying across the room and into the nearest wall. A very hard wall at that.

     I squint when my eyes open not being able to see much, but after a few moments when the dust begins to settle. Blurred figures begin to flood into the room through a large hole in the wall. I blink a few times to make sure I am not seeing things, but it is very real.

     A lot of commotion goes on around me, along with plenty of shouting which causes me to become aware of the sharp pain in my head and a constant high-pitched ringing in my ears.

     A blurry figure kneels beside me. They begin to speak though I cannot make out anything they are saying. One of the voices sounds like Gemma. With a great deal of effort on her part, she manages to prop me up against the wall in a sitting position, which hurt a lot more than it probably should. Much to my dismay, I let out a few involuntary groans at the sudden movement when an injury to my abdomen becomes more than apparent. Rather than focusing on the pain, I turn my focus on to what Gemma is saying.

"Guys, we got a problem over here!" I manage to hear her shout to not one person in particular.

     Within a few quick moments, a couple more blurry figures appear, though one of them is unmistakeably the one and only Ellie. Since no one else is half bear it makes it impossible not to recognize here, even in such a blurred figure.

"We need to get out of here now, come on." An unknown deep male voice says.

     Thinking is not something I can do very well right now but feeling, I can do that just fine and I feel a sudden severe pain in my abdomen, again, when someone grabs my arm and loops it around their neck and stands me up. At this, I let out what probably sounds like an overly loud yelp.

     I only get to hobble along about two steps before I hear Ellie say, "Yeah no that's going to take too long." She then proceeds to wrap her hands around my waist and throw me over her back as though I were a sack of potatoes. I would be mortified if it were not for the given circumstances.

"This the last of them? Good, let's get out of here."  someone says in a deep husky voice that I do not recognise.

Thanks for reading! Decided not to leave y'all hanging for three months! Just three weeks instead...well it's an improvement anyway. Hope you enjoyed!


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