Chapter Ten: Panic Room

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"Oh, I can feel it now...The control....turning to me!"

"Wh-what do you mean? What are you talking about?!"

 Despite my recently received skills an unsettling fear lays in the pit of my stomach when look at the man approaching, but more so when I hear the voice inside of me laughing maniacally after he previously disturbing statement which utterly both confused and terrified me.

 Before I have a chance to respond to the voice and demand what he meant by his statement it suddenly feels as though someone as hit the pause button on me when I stop moving completely regardless of my will to move away from the man approaching. I notice the lights in the room begin to flicker and fluctuate before my vision begins to grow cloudy.

 My body starts the process of running over to the rapidly approaching man despite my will not to do so. I widen my eyes in panic as I feel myself lose control of my own body. With a somewhat loud yell, the man throws a right hook punch towards my face causing me to flood with panic again knowing I have no control of what I am doing, but much the feeling of panic quickly fades when I swoop my head under his fist and aim a hard and strong uppercut punch at the man's upper abdomen causing him to fly back a solid ten feet only to land on the floor with a heavy thud.

"Oh, it does feel good to be the one in control." I hear 'the voice' comment, leaving me in a confused state for a brief amount of time before putting the pieces together and realizing that somehow, someway, 'the voice ' is now the one in control of my body rather than myself. Although still confused as to how that could happen I presume we are now somehow sharing the same body.

 This is the part where I would most likely gulp and start shaking, but seeing as I have no authority over my own body, as of right now, that is not an option. 

I really hope this is not permanent...

 Before my trail of thoughts can lead to anything further my attention is immediately away since I am presently charging towards the now staggering spluttering man ahead of me at a considerably high speed which makes me want to brace myself, but I have no control of that.

 It only takes a few milliseconds before my hand is balled into a fight and being thrown at the Russian's face only to be caught by his fast-reacting own hand. In reaction, I merely smirk maniacally, against my will of course, before I twist violently twist his wrist around making the man shout. I then use my free hand and diagonally lash across his face with my sharp talons causing the Russian to cry out in pain and hold his face while stumbling back a few paces.

 I then begin to...laugh? Suddenly I hear a clicking sound followed by another strange sound that almost sounds like spraying. I glance around the room hastily to find a white seeping into the room from someplace in the floor tiles that I cannot quite identify.

 My eyes drift over to the other man in the room when I hear him begin to chuckle causing a shiver to zoom down my spine. A few seconds later the previously laughing man is lying on the ground completely limp knocked out cold. At first, I am rather confused, but it does not take an excessive amount of time for me to realize the gas filling the room in a narcotic of some kind.

"My thoughts exactly...Time for a sleep."  I hear the mysterious voice comment suddenly bringing me to the realization that I am in control of my own body again, which would be a great relief if I was not otherwise distracted by the gas filling the room, slowly but surely.

 A few moments later I myself am starting to feel the effects of the airborne drug and begin to sway and stumble around the room. After a few moments of trying to regain my composure, I manage to do so for a few seconds and straighten myself, but it was shortlived as the I am reacquainted with the sensation of crumbling to the ground in a heap. Gradually my eyes begin to close as I feel them become overwhelmingly and abnormally heavy, tempting me so much to drift into slumber. Blinking them open multiple times I try to fight it off only for my eyes to start to close once more.

 "Don't bother fighting it, that would be pointless."

 I try to ignore what the voice inside my head is telling me, but it is not wrong so without another moment of hesitation my eyes seal shut and I feel myself drifting completely out of consciousness.

(The spacing is big because I want you to have to scroll for longer.)

A/N: I am aware that this chapter was rather short and I apologize for that, but it was quite hard to write. (I mean all the chapters are hard to write.) Hope you are liking it so far and I am sure you have noticed that updates are quite slow, but I am pretty serious about this book so I want to do it right, you know? Perhaps you also know that I am stalling because I want to feel better when my word count is better so this author's note is excessively long...*ahem* Have a good day...or night....or get the idea.


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