Chapter Fourteen: A Short-Lived Comfort

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     After my more than an embarrassing conversation with Gemma, Zoey, and just about everyone at exercise period I sort of expected things to carry on as usual, unfortunately for me, however, that did not turn out to happen. Sometimes I genuinely just wish I could get a break from all this for once, it seems as soon as  I begin to contemplate something that has happened something of equal atrocity takes place once more.

     When exercise period was concluded two sets of guards approached me and simply told me "You're coming with us." I did not exactly have any choice but to comply and go with them despite my persisting desire to refuse. That turn of events leads me to the present, where I find myself in a familiar bare white room and a familiar position on an uncomfortably cold upward-facing metal slab with my hands bound to the side by metal manacles. To make matters worse than they already are I see a middle-aged woman in a lab coat standing before me with a syringe in hand, filled with a clear liquid inside of it, causing a feeling of uneasiness to settle within me.

"W-what's that for?" I ask trying to steady my voice despite my fear and not daring to take my slightly widened eyes off the needle of the syringe.

     The woman merely ignores me as a smartly dressed woman strides into the room, the same woman that was there when I woke up for the first time in this miserable place. She nods to the other woman in the room to which she briefly responds, "Doctor Lopez."

     I suppose it is mildly useful to know her actual name rather than just calling her 'the woman' or 'the lady' but I do not care in the slightest in this present situation. Doctor Lopez as I now know her brown eyes are over intensely boring into me making me squirm in discomfort when she finally speaks up, "Are you sure it's safe? I don't want G7 damaged, we only just got it.

     When she breaks eye contact to look at the other woman I feel some form of moderate relief, but my discomfort remains at being only thought of as a number or an 'it' rather than an actual person, however, my attention is brought back to the conversation when the female doctor responds saying, "No it probably is not safe, we didn't have anything to test it on as G7 here is more than a rare anomaly."

     Lopez frowns slightly and speaks with a hint of disappointment when she says, "I see. It would be a shame to lose such a valuable asset, but we can't have him running around destroying everything. I would, however, like to know how this serum is going to work."

     The other woman nods and agrees, "Of course. G7 appears to have developed an extra part in his brain which is most definitely linked to these violent...transformations. In order to prevent them from happening, we need to disable that area of the brain, this serum should do that, temporarily. If  it proves successful I will have more of the serum made in order to prevent future outbreaks."  She explains making me feel all the more nervous at how even she is unsure of all this.

     "I take personal offence to being disabled in such a way." I hear Charthrax state all of a sudden and loud enough to make me jump in shock if I were not currently immobilized. He always seems to speak loudly and suddenly but I never seem to get used to it. The idea of having this thing gone is delightful.

     "Tell me how it goes."Doctor Lopez tells her before turning to leave and as soon as she is out the door the woman turns to me and says, "This could hurt."


     A few days later here I am sitting in the cafeteria having lost complete interest in my 'food' and as usual, zoning out, lost in thought, completely oblivious to the world around me, just allowing my mind to wander where it pleases.

     I honestly do not know what I was expecting but it not a particularly painful process and I have not heard the voice since nor have I 'transformed' I suppose is the best way to put it. Whatever was in that serum for sure worked, and in all honesty, I am quite grateful to not have a voice in my head or to worry about involuntarily hurting people.

     Things are actually starting to go good recently, well as good as it could be given my current set of unpleasant circumstances.

     I had been thinking perhaps it was not just a strange dream and I had actually remembered bits of my past, though I have avoided mentioning it to anyone, even Daesung, there is no way I want to risk having my mind re-wiped.

     As usual, my thoughts are interrupted when someone rudely snaps their fingers in front of my face. I blink a few times while my eyes come into focus and see none other than George sitting opposite me, which I had not noticed before as I was paying no attention to anything.

"What do you want?" I ask in an unamused grouchy manner.

     The boy hesitates and scratches the back of his head before stuttering out, "T-there's something I want to tell you. Well, I actually have no desire to tell you, but Ellie said I should tell you so-"

"And...?" I cut him off as I realise due to his clear anxiousness he was not going to get to the point anytime soon unless I said something.

"I remembered something, something you should probably know about." he says weakly and clears his throat before continuing, "I-it's about your Mom."

     When he says that I look around the room briefly to make sure no one is listening in before looking back at George and leaning in subtly so he knows I am paying my full attention, any mention about my past surely has my entire interest now.

"We um went to the same school and that's how I knew you, at that point, you'd be living with your adoptive parents for a number of years,  but your real mom she um- she..."

"She what?" I ask anxiously, wanting to hear what he trying to say as soon as possible. I am rather surprised to hear I knew George before all...this, but I brush that aside at the mention of my Mom.

"She disowned you." the boy blurts out quickly. My face expression drops immediately and I blink several times in comprehension then shock, seeing this I see George go wide-eyed and hastily blurt out more, "But that's not the -the point when I knew you she was way out of the picture. I found out she was a druggie, and some um, other disturbing things so I um, her arrested."

     At the new information, I clench my jaw and my fists until they turn white and I can feel myself quite literally shaking in anger I am trying to hard to keep at bay, but when George keeps talking it just starts to push my anger to new limits.

"I-I remember finding out about it and I remember when you found out I got her arrested, and you went like crazy and I wasn't expecting that I thought you'd be happy she was finally getting what she deserved, but quite obviously weren't."

     I can tell George is just blubbering out any and all words that are coming to his mind in this instance, but my mind begins to tune him out, along with the entire rest of the world in rage. I may not remember my mom but I know I loved and cared about her and for him to do....that?!

"I-I'm sorry." He stutters out.

"Oh, you will be." I manage to say through gritted teeth. Quite frankly I was not even aware I was capable of feeling such rage at a person, but George here seems to be pushing boundaries I did not know I had.

A/N: So I do in fact realise V.OX.E.L. sounds like a toilet brand so I am going to edit it to P.H.A.N.T.O.M and yes I will explain what it stands for eventually. Though it will probably be another temporary name so don't get used to it. Thanks for reading as always.


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