Chapter Eight: Monster Part 2

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     I stand in the middle of all the bodies looking down at them all while panting heavily when I hear a robotic female voice speak, "Level one complete." In reaction, I jump in surprise and then violently turn my head to look around the room to identify the source of the voice. My eyes desperately scan the walls and ceiling of the white-coloured box I am in but find nothing. Either I am going crazy and hearing things or there is some kind of speaker of some kind somewhere in here.

     At that instant, the voice speaks again, "Level two commencing in T-Minus two minutes."

     Level one complete? Level two commencing? What is that supposed to mean? Is this some kind of test? The guards coming in must have been...but I thought this was just supposed to be my mutation!... Just, well not that this is any meagre unimportant thing happening to me but I definitely do not need more complications to add to my current dilemma. It is in this instance in time that I realize most of the other inmates' mutations have lasted a few days, although I do not know how long I have been in here for it cannot have been more than an hour or so. They must not return for such a lengthy period of time because they must go through tests afterwards. Soon after I settle with my conclusion I realize that means I too will be more tests for the next few days if my assessment proves to be correct!

"Oh do stop freaking out, would you? It's starting to get annoying...Having to listen to all those worrying thoughts floating around in your brain is proving rather tiresome." A croaky, gruff voice says seemingly out of nowhere.

     I hastily turn around the room in shock looking for where the voice comes from, but find nothing which causes me to begin to believe I had not heard anything at all until the croaky voice speaks again, "No you're not, in fact, hearing things I'm right here."

 "W-what where? Where are you?!" I demand in a state of complete confusion eyeing the room desperately again in an attempt to locate the source of the voice.

     I hear a sigh before the voice speaks again, "I'm in you, or I am you I can't really tell in utter honesty."

     To this, my eyes widen in shock and more confusion despite the answer to my question when I speak again, "W-what are you? How did that happen?! How is this even possible?!"

"How am I to know? It just sort of...happened. And please you don't have to speak out loud you know that right? I can hear your thoughts." The voice replied in a rather irritated tone.

"J-just sort of...happened?! How long have you been here for? Who are you?" I responded aloud now getting annoyed myself on top of all the confusion.

"I-I don't really know I suppose." Came the almost confused reply.

     I let out a tired sigh and try to contemplate how any of this possibly could have come to be. Of course, I find no conclusion when suddenly the door clicks signalling it has been unlocked. In response, I abruptly whip my head around to the general direction of the door when it gradually begins to open. I widen my eyes slightly and then promptly yet sluggishly get myself into some form of fighting stance with my right foot marginally forward and my fists held up and feebly clenched into a pitiful attempt of defence against whoever or whatever might come through the doorway and seemingly forgetting the existence of the strange voice I heard not thirty seconds ago.

     My eyes are directed towards the floor at the doorway when a pair of black heavy work boots step into the room. My gaze drifts upward to the face of the immensely gigantic man that walks in to be greeted by a grim face which accommodates many scars and is holding a stern, angry look which makes me shrink back a bit now feeling a whole lot smaller and my strength and abilities lesser than they felt before.

    The intimidating man ignores my existence entirely for the time being and wordlessly turns around the other direction and closes the door causing it to click locked.

"I do really hope you have a plan for taking care of him." I hear the voice say again out of nowhere.

     Try and fight I suppose? Other than that I really do not have a plan at all I think as a form of response instead of speaking out loud this time.

*sigh* "Oh this is not going to go well. He's probably going to slap us around like a rag doll..."  I respond to the voice's unhelpful comment in my head saying that we do not know that yet he might not be here for anything related to that to which I get a simple answer in response, "Ask him then."

     I swallow somewhat loudly meagerly trying to get rid of my nervousness before daring to look up and meet the man's cold gaze which makes me shrink back a little before finally speaking up, "Wh-...What do you want from m-me?..." I ask as cautiously as I can muster and also trying to keep my voice even so I do not show any more fear, but that failed epically as it came out as a shaky murmur that was barely audible.

     Apparently, my shaky response was hearable for the human hear because the large-statured man merely smirks before finally replying in a thick Russian accent, "Oh, I am here for level two of your testing. To test your pain resistance and healing abilities because of your mutation or rather if you have either of those abilities to be precise."

 Oh, no...this cannot be good...

"Well obviously."


 Thank you for reading! I am sorry I did not update for a long time, I did just completely ditch updating any of my books for a few weeks, but I am starting to get back into the way of it. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter, I did actually work very hard on it. I had to start it over so many times because I was not satisfied with it, but I finally think I got it the way I want it. I do not know how soon the next update will be though because I intend to make my chapters a bit longer and put more work and detail into them so we will see how that goes and this A/N is much too long.



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