Chapter Twelve: A New Arrival

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     My eyes dart open as I abruptly sit up with a gasp when I slowly begin to look around and realize I am in a cell again and it hits me that it was all just a dream...but it felt so real. Could it have been memories? Or was it just my imagination? Before I can ask myself any other questions my line of thoughts are cut off by a voice, and not the one inside my head thankfully so I turn to see Daesung looking at me with a concerned expression at my shaky panicked form on the ground making me feel rather embarrassed.

"Are you okay dude?"

     I scratch my head and think for a few moments trying to regain some kind of composure before finally speaking, "Oh, um yes I'm okay, I think." I then look around the cell to find Dan, that raven hybrid guy sitting up on a bunk looking at me without many expressions. His rather blank expression changes to a shocked one as soon as he makes eye contact, yet he remains silent. It is in this moment that I begin to question why Daesung and Dan are in here and why there are four bunks in this cell instead of the usual one slab of a bed. I look back towards Daesung to ask, "What happened?"

"When you were gone for a few days mutating they decided to put multiple people in each cell, I suppose they want to be able to fit more mutants here. Anyway, they threw you in here a few hours ago, and you've been out cold until now."

     I simply nod in response before looking down at my scaled arm in slight fascination running my hands down the scales, feeling their strange textures. My hand runs to the end on my arm when I notice the blood on the end of my talons causing all the memories of what I had done rushing back into my head.

"That's right... we killed them..." I sigh when I hear the eerie voice in my head speak again, I was hoping that it was just in my imagination before, but I can deny it no longer. I close my eyes for a moment as to not lose my composure once again.

     When I look back up at Daesung his expression to changes to that of a shocked one and asks me a surprising question, "Whoah what happened to your eyes? They're freaky..."

     His question is rather confusing to me thus making me answer with another question, "What do you mean?" However, before he responds I think for a moment before adding, "It most likely has something to do with my mutation come to think of it. Why what do they look like? It's not I can see them or anything."

     He takes a moment and ponders beginning to make me feel almost uncomfortable when he finally speaks up, "Most definitely, the pupils are shaped like that of a reptile. That paired with your scales...I'd say your mutation was into some form of human-lizard hybrid."

     I hum in response when taking a moment to think and mumble, "At least I didn't turn out half monkey or something..."

     Just then I hear heavy footsteps coming in the same direction of the cell we are in which draws the attention away from the current conversation to what could be going on. However, Daesung does not seem to be distracted from the question at all so I just decide to ask, "What could that be?" referring to the footsteps.

 He simply shrugs and mumbles, "Probably just the guard check-up."

     Every night a guard walks by all our cells and makes sure we are all present, although it is not like we can get out anyway. I know that is not the case tonight though as I hear more than one pair of footsteps rather than the normal one pair.

"No, I can see two- no three people coming," Dan says getting off his bunk going over to the bars, confirming my previous thoughts.

     We then heard some kind of commotion, presumably struggling and then someone shouts, "Get your hands off me!" in a funny accent. Come to think about it I do believe it is a strong British accent.

"Oh great..." Dan mumbles before letting go of the bars and returning to his bunk.

"What is it?" Daesung asks.

"Another soon to be mutant. I'd guess he's replacing G6, the kid that died." Dan mumbles again in a muffled voice seeing as he has his face buried in his pillow for whatever reason whilst moving his impossibly large feathered wings in seemingly random motions.

     As the various sets of footsteps get louder two guards come into view while practically dragging a slender male who does not seem to want to give up struggling, yet to no avail. One of the guards grabs both the teen's arms holding them behind him to keep him still while the other lifts a collection of keys from his belt. I hear the sound of the metal keys clanging together until he finally gets the correct one and pushes into the keyhole twisting it around until a satisfying click is heard.

     The teen again shouts dramatically, "Get your filthy hands off me!" just as the guard opens the door with a few cranks of metal and then the guard restraining the teen says as gleefully as I have heard one of the guards here ever is, "As you wish." before shoving him into the cell causing him to stumble a few times. The guard then steps back allowing the other to lock the door before they both march away with their usual serious facial expressions.

     My eyes follow them until they leave sight leading my eyes to drift over to the new guy who has now turned to look at us all. I first notice how pale his skin looks, almost ghostly and his blond hair not too much darker.

     He seems to be doing the same as his eyes land on me when he suddenly shouts out, "Gosh you look creepy!" with that strong accent I am beginning to find irritating.

"Oh, we look creepy, how fun!" I hear the voice in my head suddenly say more loudly than I was expecting causing me to tense. I close my eyes for a moment and regain my composure before looking back up at the British teen, "Yes well I have been mutated. Like you will be soon."

     At this, his eyes widen and gives a confused and stunned expression though it is interrupted by Dan looking up at him and saying, "Put a lid on it would ya? I'm tryna sleep here."

     With that Daesung returns to his bunk and I the one underneath his. I glance over at the still stunned teenager standing in the room before sighing, "Just go to sleep, you'll need it."

 I hear an irritated sigh before he mumbles, "The name's George if even you care."

"Axel," I say before closing my eyes and hear some shuffling around, then silence. I cannot help my mind drifting back to the dreams I had, they felt so real. What if they really were memories? Or what if they were not and was just a strange dream? My mind runs rampant with questions although not for too long as my exhaustion swiftly kicks in causing me to fall asleep within mere seconds.

Thank you for reading everybody! Have a nice day/night!


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