The Hollow (Part 1)

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A/N- In this chapter, the Mikaelsons will decide what to do with the hollow. We will have a long klayley moment and a haylijah confrontation. Hope will finally have a moment with both her parents together after 7 years. Enjoy!

Third Person's POV

They turned towards him and nodded, feeling a bit guilty for for not including him in the family moment. They decided that some of them will go in pairs to hunt down some of their enemies while the rest try to convince Alaric to syphon the hollow into them and prepare a place for the people that they capture. It was about midnight and they were tired so they decide to go back to sleep for now.

They all left leaving Hayley, Klaus and Elijah alone.

"Goodnight" Hayley said to Elijah and he nodded and left, getting the message. Hayley had forgiven him but she still felt uneasy around him.

"It seems as if you've not forgiven him after all, little wolf." she raised an eyebrow at his smile about that matter but didn't say anything.

He then realised something and couldn't believe that he had forgotten about it and his expression turned sad "I will find a way to break the curse, no matter what it takes."he said gently, putting a hand on the side of her neck and looking into her eyes the way he was familiar with "In the meantime I'll ask Freya to make you a daylight ring."

She looked confused at his first sentence but then realised what he meant with the second one.

"I don't need a ring, Klaus"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not only a vamp anymore" her eyes turned gold with veins under it and he understood.

He sighed in relief, he didn't want her to suffer the same fate as him and removed his hand. She missed its warmth.

"How?" she seemed to be hearing a lot of that word today.

"I did die a vampire but..."


(The Afterlife)

Hayley's POV

She was picking firewood in the afterlife forest, the ones she dropped after seeing Hope, lost deep in thought, she missed her already but she was glad when she heard Klaus call Hope's name and that she convinced her to return. 

The parents and the pack were making her feel at home and unlike in life they didn't hate hybrids or vampires, but she sort of fell left out. She had hoped that by some miracle she would go back to being a hybrid but she knew that it would't happen.

She sighed and yelped when she collided into someone. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise where she was going and she had wandered into the witches territory she didn't know that she was lost in her thoughts for that long.

She cursed inwardly, helped the girl up and didn't bother apologising and picked up the firewood, wanting to go on her way when she heard the girl say  "you're Hayley Marshall."

She sighed and the girl introduced herself "I'm Lily" she shook her hand but saw a look in her eye that she had seen many times before.

"Okay, cut the crap, what the hell do you want?"

"To help you." 

"Don't think I believe that for a second! I've seen better liars."

"So you don't want to break your curse?"

That caught her attention.

"You can do that?"

"Not me, but I know witches who can."

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