Lost And Not Found

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Hey, I'm back! Sorry for taking so long I just shifted so I don't have a proper internet connection yet and I still have a lot of work so I might not be able to update daily but I'll try. Also there were not many scenes with the other characters because this is a klayley story so I will mostly be focusing on them. 

A/N- In this chapter we will see the aftermath of the disappearance of the hollow, their efforts to find out what happened. We will also see some flashbacks on Hayley's side with a story which is not true but this is an AU so just go along with it!

The confusion was replaced by shock on their faces.

Klaus' POV

He had no idea what went wrong, they did everything right then how the hell had this happened?!

Then it came to him— the witch.

He remembered feeling weak, like he had lost a part of himself. The hollow had been a part of him for so long and he had gotten used to it. He remembered feeling the same thing when Hope had taken the hollow out of him and put it in herself.

Elijah had the hollow in him too but they were connected so...

"Elijah, did you by any chance feel weak at a time today?"

"Yes, but what are you suggesting, brother? And how do you even know?"

He told Elijah about the witch.

"So you are telling me that a witch stole it, then find that witch and we can deal with her!"

"About that...I killed her." Hayley said.

So they've lost their only chance at finding the hollow and killing her, just bloody awesome! He thought sarcastically.

"So, what do we do now?" Freya asked.

"We find out more about this witch and see if there are more of her, she can't be the only one! She's probably one one of those bitches that kiss the ground the hollow walks on!" Klaus exclaimed.

"What did she look like?" Marcel asked.

"Blonde haired, blue eyed, hooked nose, about Rebekah's height but why does it matter anyway?" Kol replied 

"She might have a family so if anyone looked like her, you would know." Marcel answered.

Suddenly Klaus remembered something 

"Oh and she had a mark or a symbol on her left arm, it looked too perfect to be a scar and I know for sure it wasn't a tattoo. It might be imprinted by magic." Hayley said what he had in mind.

"You said there might be more people like her, maybe they have that mark too, just take me to her body and I might be able to find more about her maybe even use that mark to locate the others if they are connected." Freya suggested.

"You can do a reading and magic on a dead body?" Rebekah asked.



"So...what do we do about them?" Davina asked as she pointed to their tied up enemies.

"We kill them obviously, we have plenty of other enemies to hunt if it comes to it." He said in a duh tone.

He looked directly at the man who had insulted Hayley as he said that, feeling nothing but pure hatred towards him. He could see Kol smirking for some reason and the questioning glances of the others and decided to explain which led all of them to look at him with a murderous expression. That man tried to look brave even though he was shaking with fear and his heart was beating so fast it sounded like it would burst out of his chest. He could see the others that were tied up giving him pitiful looks. 

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