The Hollow (Part 2)

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A/N- You already know what I was gonna write here since I wrote it last chapter but I'm gonna write it anyway with a few additions:

Hope and Freya will travel to Mystic Falls to try to convince Alaric to let his twins do the syphoning part. Hayley, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Elijah, Keelin and Marcel will be the ones going on a hunt as promised and Davina and Vincent will prepare everything for the syphoning. Someone will notice the connection between Klaus and Hayley. The chapter will end with something shocking that you won't expect.

PS I edited the last part of the last chapter so it can fit the beginning of this chapter.

Third Person's POV

They waited until everyone who was hunting got there to discuss who is going with who, while the rest got to work.

"There are seven of us so one of the groups will be containing three people."

"Thank you for stating the obvious, sweetheart."

"Shut up, Klaus!" 

She sighed in exasperation and wanted to slap that infuriating smirk off his face.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted," Hayley said as she gave Klaus a look "we have to transfer the hollow in our enemies, all together should be powerful enough to hold it without it escaping and taking its spirit form again. So about 10 supernatural creatures, most likely vamps cause I don't want to hurt the wolves and the witches will likely find a way to escape!"

Keelin and Klaus nodded about the wolf part.

"That is including sleeping beauty over there" she gestured towards the room where Aurora was.

"That name actually fits her you know, Aurora-sleeping beauty, too bad her prince Lucien is more dead than alive to kiss her awake." Klaus said with a grin and everyone turned to look at him.

"Carry on, love don't let me interrupt." he said to Hayley as she glared at him. He found himself thinking she looked adorable when she glared.

God, he infuriated her.

"So each group has to bring at least 3 people"

A Few Minutes Later

Marcel and Elijah (cause they need to bond at least a little)

Rebekah and Keelin

Hayley, Klaus and Kol (cause surprisingly, Kol made enemies in the years he wasn't daggered or dead in every other sireline other than Klaus' which means that they're all dead.)

"So" Hayley said to Klaus once they were alone with Kol "who do we have to hunt?"

"I have a few in mind..." he said with a devilish grin which she returned.

In Klaus' Car

"Where are we going?" Hayley asked to break the silence.

"To a city nearby," Kol replied "come on darling, you seriously didn't think that they would be in New Orleans."

"No, just curious."

Silence again

Hayley was in the seat next to Klaus ("shotgun!" she had exclaimed childishly and they had rolled their eyes) while Kol was in the back both now looking at their phones.

Klaus was taking peeks at her every now and then. He couldn't stop playing what he heard her and Elijah say in his mind over and over and it was getting on his nerves.

"What is it?" she finally asked.

"I don't know what you mean, love"

"You've been looking at me every five minutes so unless I've got something on my face I suggest you tell me what it is."

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