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Here's a list of all the creative works (and people) mentioned in the book.

Books / Plays / Authors

1. Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe - Dr. Faustus is a tragic play written in 1500s, based on the German stories about the title character Faust. Dr. Faustus is about a tragic hero, a great man who is undone because of his ambitions and arrogance towards the law of God.

2. Mary Wollstoncraft (Vindication to the Rights of Women) - Mary Wollstonecraft was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights. She is regarded as one of the founding feminist philosophers, and feminists often cite both her life and her works as important influences.

3. Salman Rushdie - Salman Rushdie is a well-known British Indian novelist and essayist. His work, combining magical realism with historical fiction, is primarily concerned with the many connections, disruptions, and migrations between Eastern and Western civilizations, with much of his fiction being set on the Indian subcontinent.

4. Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot is a play, written a few years after World War 2, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, engage in a variety of discussions and encounters while awaiting Godot, who never arrives. The play highlights the existential crisis faced by soldiers post war.

5. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights, published in 1847, is considered a classic of English literature. It depicts mental and physical cruelty, and challenges Victorian morality, and religious and societal values.

Songs and Artists

All Night Long by Lionel Richie

Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli

Don't Stop Me Now by Queen

Highway to Hell by AC/DC

We Are the Champions by Queen

YMCA by Village People

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