Chapter 10

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The sun shined high in the sky as three wolves advanced from the other side of the hill to the cabin

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The sun shined high in the sky as three wolves advanced from the other side of the hill to the cabin. All of them had brown fur with dark brown accents and golden brown eyes that glistened under the sunlight.

They shifted to their human form as they neared the cabin. The three werewolves were co-owner of it and would use it for their leisure. Since they built it in their territory, they thought that there was no use for a lock. Every pack member of theirs knew about this place and respected their privacy enough to not visit the cabin uninvited. That privilege was solely reserved for the Alpha.

As they entered, they were shocked to see the intruders lying peacefully asleep, contrary to the state that the cabin was in, a wreak. The empty liquor bottles were spread on the counter and on the floor. The floor was muddy due to the footprints, the potato sacks ripped open; and worst of all, their record player had been tainted.

The distorted image made them furious. Werewolf 1 was raging as took his gun out from under the sink. His minions followed and took their guns too, all three pointing them toward the intruders.

Olivia woke up from her deep slumber, her eyes immediately widening when she saw the scene before her. She shook Ethan to wake him as Werewolf 2 and 3 grabbed them to take them captive. Ethan awoke with a start, sensing danger. Both, Ethan and Olivia had a headache and were tired even after resting.

"What the hell?" Ethan exclaimed while trying to push Werewolf 2, who was grabbing his arm, off of him. He tried to fight but wasn't at his full potential due to the hangover. He tried to punch Werewolf 2 but was easily suppressed.

Olivia clung to Ethan, whispering, "why are these men naked?" She covered her eyes the best she could.

"You will be held accountable for your heinous actions," said the wolf that looked like he was in command.

The werewolves wore their clothes that were kept in one of the cabinets and took their prisoners to the Alpha of their Full Moon Pack. They had tied Olivia and Ethan's hands and pulled the rope to make them keep up.

Werewolf 2 held Ethan's rope while Werewolf 3 held Olivia's. Werewolf 1 led the way.

Olivia was on the brink of collapse while Ethan was annoyed by the unexpected delay in his original plans. She tried to calm down and rationalize her thoughts to find an escape. She looked at Ethan with a grave expression but suddenly chuckled after she saw his irritated expression.

Looking at her angrily, he said, "only you could find this predicament hilarious."

"It's just... Looking at you... Bound in ropes," she laughed, "it's Karma for what you did to me. It's funny how the kidnapper became the 'kidnappee'."
He rolled his eyes. "I guess I should reflect on my behavior and kill my next captive without any hesitation."

They came to a little village in the plain land surrounded by hills. Olivia would have appreciated its beauty had it not been for the mess that she was in.
The festival of the Moon Goddess was being celebrated in the 'pack' village. The festival was celebrated for a week-- 3 days before the blue moon and three days after it. The village was filled with different shades of blue. Kids were running around, dancing, and singing. During the festival, the pack members pray to the moon goddess for strong and healthy pups, eat delicious meals, sing, dance, and mate.

"Mico, who are they?" an old passerby asked 'Mico' a.k.a. Werewolf 1. They came to a pause as he answered the old werewolf's question.

"Our prisoners. They were caught trespassing on our territory. This one is human," he said with disgust evident on his face as he looked at Olivia, "and the boy is a wolf but he seems to be different from us. The Alpha will decide what to do with them."

"A human!" The old werewolf said flabbergasted by the fact that a human would dare to lurk anywhere in their hills.

Olivia and Ethan were thrown into a prison cell in the basement of a building. The wolves left them alone in the dimly lit cell. It had a narrow bench nailed to the wall opposite the gate. The bars on the other two sides separated their cell from the adjacent ones.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!" Olivia, standing in the middle of the cell, started to have a panic attack. "They're going to kill me!"

"Kill you?" Ethan exclaimed while sitting on the bench. "What about me!"

"You're a werewolf! You belong to their community! Didn't you see those people being disgusted by the sight of me? A human! They seem to hate humans. I'm gonna die here. I'm never going home. I never even got to live my life. I can't die. I still have to become a professional theater actress. I still have to stand up to my stepmother. If I die I'll become a ghost who has so much unfinished business. I can't do it. I can't die...I can't die..."

"Shh," Ethan stood and kept his arms on her shoulders to try to calm her down. He shook her a little. "You're not going to die. We're going to get out of here. We'll get through this. It's going to be okay."

She seemed to absorb his words in her mind for a few seconds. "You're right. We need to be optimistic. I can't be like that pessimist writer, Will. We need a plan. How do we get out of here?"

Ethan looked at their surroundings for an escape. There was a tiny window with thick bars but it was so high that it almost touched the ceiling. It was impossible to break out of it. He noticed the prison cell adjacent to theirs. Two men occupied that cell while the rest of the 4 cells were empty. One of the men was sleeping on the narrow bench, while the other sat on the floor near the head of the sleeping man. The man sitting on the floor looked strong. He was lost in deep thought, too preoccupied to notice his new neighbors.

Olivia followed Ethan's gaze and said, "we need their help."

"You're right, we do." He paused, brainstorming for ideas. "Go there and flirt with the man sitting on the floor. Maybe then we'll have a shot."

"Ew! I'm not gonna do that! He's a bit too old for me."

"I guess we'll rot in this cell for the remainder of our lives then." He smiled sardonically looking at her.

"Ugh. Fine. I hate when you're right."

She walked over to the line of bars that separated the two cells. Looking at the man sitting on the floor, whose name was Dominic, she said, "what's a sexy beast like you doing in a place like this?"

Ethan snickered, trying to suppress his laughter. He coughed.

Dominic looked up at her, shocked and mortified.

She continued her advances. "Where do you get those sexy looks from?"

"Runs in the genes", Dominic said monotonously.

"I'd love to see you without jeans as soon as we get out of here." She winked, trying not to throw up.

"I'm gonna save you some time little girl, I'm gay."

Her eyes widened as the silence stretched in the air for a minute. Turning around, she looked at Ethan and said, "okay, you're up."

Ethan walked over to where Olivia stood. He smirked looking at Dominic and said, "what's a sexy beast like you doing in a place like this?" He made fun of Olivia as she lightly punched his shoulder.

Dominic laughed but his laughter turned into a sad smile. "We have been rotting in this place for months." He said, looking at his sleeping partner.

The metal door to the prison cracked open and Mico walked in. He unlocked Olivia and Ethan's cell.

"The Alpha wants to see the human."


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