Chapter 23

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Victor strolled through the streets of the town, exploring the differences that life had to offer in the town compared to the life of the pack. He walked past the garden where Olivia and Ethan had once met and spoken for the first time. The same noise of children playing could be heard, while their mothers chit-chatted their time away. The young couples strolled through the garden hand in hand. Victor thought about wanting to be one of those young couples someday. If only Olivia accepted him as soon as possible. He started formulating a plan for how to get her to be with him when he saw a tattoo shop nearby. The little bell above the door chimed as he walked in. Pictures of various tattoo designs hung from the walls. Victor seemed intrigued. He looked around and found a boy sitting at the counter in the corner behind a desktop.

Victor coughed to get his attention.

"Hi, can I meet the artist?" Victor asked the boy.

Looking up from his screen, the boy said, "do you have an appointment, sir?"

"No. I just want to look around in case I decide to get one," Victor replied.

"You're lucky. The artist just finished his last appointment. Take the stairs for the basement to go into the studio," he said.

Victor nodded. Stepping down the stairs he saw the artistically painted walls and heard some voices. Three people were present in the studio- the tattoo artist, the boy who was the client, and a girl who was with him.

"How does it look?" The boy sitting on the reclining chair asked. A girl, who stood in front of him, with her back towards Victor, looked carefully at the tattoo, while the artist was busy with cleaning his supplies.

"Hmm, do you have enough money to get it removed?" She asked, cringing while looking at the tattoo of two hands intertwined on his arm.

"No?" he said.

"Then it looks great!" She said immediately, patting his other arm when she noticed someone coming down the stairs.

Victor noticed her mindlessly twirling her rose gold hair with blond roots as she drooled over him. He hadn't been with a woman for weeks but he had hoped for something to happen with Olivia but now he knew that it would take time. So putting on a devilishly charming smile he approached her.

"Hi. I'm Victor. Are you the tattoo artist?" He asked, knowing perfectly well that she wasn't.

"Hi Victor, I'm Natalie, and no I am not, but is," she said pointing towards the man in a corner.

Victor showed no interest in the artist and stood right where he was.

Natalie said, "I've never seen you in this town before."

"I just moved here. I thought of checking this place out but I think I'll fix an appointment for some other day," Victor said. "I am not very familiar with this place. Would you like to show me around?" He asked suggestively.

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