Chapter 13

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Among the chaos that was prevailing in the pack house, Olivia and Ethan quietly slipped out of the house and into the darkness of the night outside. Before leaving though, Olivia found Lillian and thanked her, promising to return the favor someday.

"Where do we go now?" Ethan asked.

"Lillian told me that she saw the other two prisoners escape in that direction." She said pointing towards the top of the hill that rested behind the pack house.

"Let's go."

Olivia and Ethan started climbing the hill. The noise of shouting and banging doors was still audible from far up the hill. Ethan went ahead of her and only noticed when he didn't feel her presence.

"What is it?" He asked looking back at her, while she was staring at the pack house.

"I might have left something in there." She looked at him.

"You're not seriously thinking of going back there, are you?" he scoffed.

"We can try." She said in a pleading way. "We might make it back unharmed."

"We are not going anywhere except back to the town." He said. "And there's no "we". If you choose to go back there I'm going to walk away from here without you."

"Ugh, fine. Let's go." She said, continuing to walk up the hill.

"How important is it?" he asked while walking beside her.

"What difference does it make? Just take me safely back home."

On top of the hill, Dominic and John waited for them. Dominic did not want to leave without saying goodbye.

"You guys are still here?" Ethan asked after reaching the spot.

"Thank you, Olivia." Dominica sincerely said as he grabbed her hands in his. "And because you helped us, I will forget about how bad you are at flirting."

Olivia let out a laugh as Dominic let go of her hands. Ethan and John who stood beside them also had a smile on their faces.

"You should take this route to go back home," Dominic said pointing towards the right side of the hill. "Walk straight until you reach a point where things start to look familiar. The best way is to take the same path from which you came here."

Ethan nodded his head.

"Good luck, kids. Don't get lost again." Dominic said before he and John turned to leave.

"Wait!" Olivia exclaimed. "Where are you two going to go?"

Dominic stared back at her with a sad smile on his face. "We have different paths, Olivia, and a different place we need to be," he said before the two men disappeared into the thick forest.

Olivia woke up in her bed, feeling like she was waking up from a long, vivid dream. She and Ethan had come back to the town after escaping from the prison, however, all of the things felt surreal to her.

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