Chapter 6

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              This day flew by, I was barely ready when the door buzzed telling me Owen had arrived. I let him in and waited by the door until he knocked. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I opened the door to let him in. He stood there in a grey t-shirt with dark jeans and sneakers. He looked absolutely scrumptious. I was so busy ogling his chest, I barely noticed the flowers in his hand. His smile was wide and playful.

“Pretty flowers for a pretty girl.” Cue the swooning!

“Thanks so much come on in.”

Once I had put the flowers in a vase he stalked over to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a panty melting kiss. There were no tentative touches this time. It was pure fire. His lips crashed into mine and his tongue explored my mouth. Our first kiss was incredible but this one made me wonder how I would ever kiss another man again. All too quickly he released me and I teetered a little, unsteady on my feet. He noticed and chuckled.

“What’s for dinner, love?”

I had never been one for pet names but that love in his British accent made my panties wet.

“Steak of course. How would you like yours cooked?”

“Medium rare, please.”

I pretended to be shocked and set to work. Dinner went well and he complimented my cooking skills. I couldn’t believe the sheer volume he ate. Being a werewolf must be exhausting. And the grocery bills extraordinary.

“So, you told me you’re a witch, but I haven’t seen any proof of that yet.”

“Well, that’s kind of the point. I’m not exactly proud of it and I rarely use my magic.”

“Why is that? Most witches I know love to use their magic and hold it over the heads of everyone else.”

“That’s exactly why I don’t use it. I don’t bargain, I don’t hurt people, I don’t do whatever I can to gain more power. I’m fine to be left alone, to live my life in peace. The only magic I practice regularly are protective spells for when I’m out alone and healing charms if I think it will do some good for my patients. But, if you would like some proof…” I waved my hand at the candle on my coffee table and a small flame appeared. Owen smiled at it and looked back to me.

“You’re incredible.”

“Well thank you, but how so?”

“Most people I know would never be able to resist the temptation to use their power to gain more. It’s impressive and incredibly attractive.” He reached across the table and picked my hand up with his. He gently lifted it to his mouth and peppered gentle kisses all along my knuckles while never breaking eye contact with me. I felt my face heat up with an intense blush and I gave him a shy smile. I stood from the table and used the hand he still had in mine to pull him to the couch. I pushed him down and climbed on top of him, one knee on either side of him.

I had never been so close to him with my eyes open and I took my time to savor his appearance. I ran my fingers through his hair, it was soft and silky. I leaned close to him and breathed in his scent, but he didn’t smell like one thing in particular. More like just pure man. I knew it wasn’t cologne but still the scent of him made my heart pound. I put my hands on either side of his face and felt the slight stubble that had started to grow. The whole time he was staring back at me while his hands trailed along my hips and back, stroking small circles. I don’t know where this constant feeling of static shocks came from, but I had never felt anything like it before. His touch made me both excited and calm at the same time. I leaned forward slowly and brought my lips to his. The intense feeling of electricity jolted through my body as I leaned into him. He moaned into my mouth and angled my head away from him so he could trail kisses down my neck. I responded with a moan of my own. I could feel him growing hard beneath me and I rotated my hips to encourage him along.

What the hell am I doing? I just met this guy. I can’t sleep with him already!

He trailed his tongue from my neck to just below my ear and sucked gently.

Holy shit I hope he does that to my clit. Jesus Christ get it together.

He dug his nails gently into my hips and thrusted his hips, so his hard dick rubbed against my soaking wet lace thong under my dress.

Excellent underwear choice Grace. Proud of you girlfriend!

Before I could mentally approve of myself anymore, Owen lifted me by the hips like I was a feather and laid me down on the couch. I could tell he was a werewolf because he was incredibly fast to get on top of me.

“If you don’t want this to happen, you need to stop me now because I’m running out of self-control. I’m not going to fuck you tonight, love, but I have been dying to taste you since I met you and I’m hoping you’ll let me.”

I nodded so fast and hard that I nearly pulled a muscle in my neck. My mouth went dry and I was barely able to croak out my response.

“Yes, please.”

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