Chapter 34

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I take a deep breath and wait for a break in Elena's assault before closing my eyes to concentrate. I focus on the power deep within me, the one I put a block around to keep myself from using. Nerves coil through me as I try to prepare myself for this amount of energy, the darkness that will cover me, entice me, push me to embrace it. I can't give in to it completely. I have too much to live for. Too much to look forward to.

I break the barrier and force through to the well of magic sitting within me, waiting to be tapped into. The magic welcomes me like an old friend, the warmth slithering through me, comforting me.

Promising to be what I need it to be.

I feel my entire body heat up and peek my eyes open, gasping at the slight glow of my skin as the magic fuses with every cell in my body. I look up at Elena, pride evident on her face.

This is exactly what she wanted me to do.

Owen's face is a mirror opposite, horror etched on every line of his concerned face.

"Grace..." He murmurs, watching as my body changes, welcomes in the dark magic.

I feel the magic press forward in my mind. It tries to take over, push me to do what it wants. The thought enrages me and I grit my teeth, pushing the magic back. I am the one in charge here, not this force of evil.

I know it's evil, but it feels so good.

I feel like I'm floating, free but also incredibly powerful. Like nothing could destroy me. It's an intoxicating feeling, but one look at Owen and I'm reminded why I'm doing this.

For him. For us. For our future. Not to be a powerful witch. I don't need prestige, respect or a cult of followers following my every whim. I need my mate and our pack. I need to be loved, cherished. I need to save my sister.

The thought of her brings me back from the brink of falling into the warm pool of content the magic within me is teasing me with. It wants me to give up. To let it use my body for whatever purposes it sees fit. To use me as a medium to exert its' desires on the world.

I refuse to let it.

I point my hands towards the ground and the earth begins to tremble under us. Elena's face goes from complacent to confused as she watches me successfully fight the dark forces swarming within me. Horror dawns in her eyes as she realizes I'm not being consumed by the power, but wielding it.

She screams in frustration, more storm clouds gather over our heads as lightning begins to strike around me. I hear Owen growl in annoyance, but I can see the fear on his face. I watch as he dodges a bolt of lightning, the grass starting on fire. Owen starts trying to put out the flames and I hear Elena's cruel laughter as she watches him struggle.

The sound enrages me, my body vibrating with anger and the unfamiliar energy swirling through me. Out of nowhere, Gavin comes from behind her and douses her with a bucket of water. It's enough to take her off guard, to lessen her concentration and give me the upper hand. I hold my hands out and the earth begins to tremble. Roots from the nearby trees shoot out and I encircle Elena's hands with them. She tries to break free but can't, screaming with anger and disbelief. The storm clouds begin to dissipate and Owen gets the fire under control.

Elena begins to chant a spell I'm familiar with but haven't heard in a long time.

A bond breaking spell.

It's used to break magical agreements, usually. Deals sworn by magic that you no longer want to keep. I realize with horror that she's trying to break our mate bond.

I feel the mark on my neck begin to heat up and burn. I look over at Owen and he's gripping his, staring at me with a mix of confusion and pain. The sight nearly tears me in two, but I think quickly using the dark magic to bring up another tree root. I use it to slap her across the face. A satisfying smack rings out and she screams, but thankfully stops chanting the spell. It doesn't take long for a red welt to develop across her cheek and she begins to pant as she narrows her eyes at me. I see black smoke swirl through her grey irises as she calls upon the dark magic to help her.

She tries to set the tree roots on fire, to burn them off of her. I take a step forward and blow out a gust of icy air. It travels to her, and I wind the billowy cold around the roots to reinforce them.

Without her hands I actually have a chance to defeat her.

She screams out again and I can nearly feel her anger. A ripple of fear goes through me, knowing full well if I don't come out the victor of this fight she will destroy everything I love.

The thought renews my resolve, unfiltered raw magic courses through me and I tighten the roots on her hands, pulling her arms apart as I watch her shoulders strain against the pain.

"How are you doing this? Even with the dark magic you shouldn't be strong enough to be capable of this!" She hisses at me. I look over at Owen and give him an apologetic smile.

"I'm pregnant." I respond.

I watch Owen's eyes widen at my revelation. He stands and grips his shirt over his heart as his eyes soften. He walks over to me, his hands cupping my still flat stomach.

"Really?" He asks and I nod, blinking back the tears in my eyes.

"This isn't how I wanted you to find out." I whisper but he shakes his head, smashing his lips onto mine in a kiss of pure devotion.

"I dont care." He says firmly. "All that matters is that you're carrying our pup." He says, his voice clogged with emotion.

I hear Elena scoff as she continues to fight her bindings.

"You allowed him to breed you? You disgusting whore." She spits and Owen roars so loudly the windows in the house behind us shakes. He moves to stomp towards her, but I grip his arm to hold him next to me.

"That is why I'm so strong, Elena. I'm carrying a child that is part witch and part Alpha werewolf. You don't stand a chance. Tell me where my sister is and I will make your death quick and relatively painless." I offer, tightening the bonds on her further. It forces her to fall on her knees in front of me.

Where she belongs.

"Now who's the dog?" I ask her, sweetly. Her lip pulls back in a sneer as she spits at me. I laugh and walk towards her before pulling my arm back and striking her across the face over her already surely painful welt. She lets put a pathetic whimper and I smile cruelly at the sound.

"I will never tell you where she is. She's better off with the sisters of the coven. They won't ruin her like you will." She snarls at me and I chuckle darkly at her words.

"You won't tell me? Fine. I'll bring her here and let you watch. You will be trapped here, watching me raise our children and my sister. You will suffer every moment of your pathetic existence. And I will taunt you every moment I can." I say with a wide grin.

"What are you going to do?" She asks. Her voice sounds hard, but after spending so much time with her there is no way for me to miss the tint of fear in the ramble of her voice.

And it pleases me.

"You'll see." I respond with a shrug.

I tap into the power one last time and call forwards more earth and roots. I watch as they spin around her, tightening until they create a wall between her and the pack. The roots continue to climb until they create a trunk, Elena trapped immovable and impassive on the inside. I watch with a smile as the tree spouts leaves and vines, growing taller and taller until it stands proudly in the center of the pack.

I watch as the storm clouds dissipate, the bright light of the sun shines down on us again. I take a few deep breaths and watch as pack members warily leave their homes.

I push the dark magic back down, fight it until I can lock it deep within me and tighten the barrier around it again. I struggle, until I feel Owen's strong arms wrap around me, his hands resting on my stomach as he kisses my neck.

"Do it for us, Grace." He murmurs in my ear.

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