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Three Years Later...


"Gracie! Ethan stole my chickie nuggie!" Cora calls from the kitchen. I roll my eyes and smile a little at the two of them.

They're so cute.

"Ethan." Owen scolds gently. "You shouldn't take food from your mate. If anything you should be giving her yours." Ethan sighs as his shoulders drop.

"But she never eats all of hers, Alpha! My mom always says I'm a growing wolf and need to eat." He whines and Owen chuckles.

"You're right. Just don't eat Cora's food." Owen says, giving Cora some more food. It took awhile, but she finally began to try new things. A lot of them came at the prodding of Ethan. He helped her so much and he didn't even know he was doing it.

Cora quickly forgets her anger and I smile when I see Ethan put a few more fries on her plate and he gives her more ketchup. She smiles at him and kisses his cheek and Ethan's face flames in a blush.

They are so precious.

"Baby can you grab Ben? I think he's awake. " I say to Owen. He nods and runs up the stairs to grab our little pup. He's two already and a little terror, but those blueish green eyes, his father's eyes, get him out of trouble every time.

Cora squeals in delight when she sees Ben, jumping from her spot at the table to grab him from Owen. Technically she's his aunt, but she's more like a big sister. She's been there for it all, his first words, his first steps, she even cried with him while he was teething. Cora starts chatting with Ben and I smile when I see Ethan take back one of the fries he gifted Cora, snarfing it down quickly. We all know she won't eat anything else now that Ben is the center of her world

"You ready to go home Ethan?" I ask him and he nods before standing. This catches Cora's attention and she puts Ben down to fling herself at Ethan, giving him a firm hug. The sight warms my heart.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." Ethan says and Cora nods, getting a little frown on her face.

They are only eight years old, but their bond is strong. Owen believes Ethan could be Ben's Beta someday. There aren't many instances of wolves and witches being mated, but it seems when they are, the pair is exceptionally strong. I have a feeling it will be harder and harder to keep Ethan and Cora away from each other the older they get, but they are so good together I try not to worry about it.

Cora tightens her arms around Ethan one last time and he follows me out the door. I walk him home and we chat about things he's learning in school and with Owen. Owen has him in training already, especially with Liam, learning about pack dynamics and self defense techniques. Owen says they don't start offensive training until the pups hit twelve. Then by the time they shift they already have a solid foundation. Ethan's eyes light up when he discusses what he's learning. He's a bright boy and I couldn't be more pleased for my little sister. I drop him off at his front door and wave goodbye.

On my way back home I take the long route and stop by a large tree nearly in the center of the pack. I didn't visit Elena's tree for a long time after I encased her in it. I didn't like remembering how the dark magic felt as it spindled through me and tried to take over. I have brought Cora here a few times for a picnic, but she doesn't know what this tree really is. I'm not sure I'll ever tell her, but she will certainly be older before I do. Owen and I brought Ben once as well.

I put my hand on the tree and feel the low thrum of magic run through me. I know she can see me and I know she can hear me. I designed the spell that way so I could keep good on my promise of showing her our thriving pack, our thriving family.

"Hello, Elena. Nice evening we're having isn't it?" I ask quietly, smiling to myself. "I have some news. Owen and I are expecting again." I say, placing my hand over the slight bump of my belly.

"It's a girl this time. Cora is thrilled. She's doing so well, she is so smart, so quick witted and sweet. She and Ethan are perfect. They are going to be a strong force for good when they grow up. Imagine that, both of your daughter's mated to wolves. I bet you're furious. But you can't do anything about it. You never will. All you can do is watch us grow, live our lives and be happy. Because despite you, your cruelty, your disdain for your children, we are happy. We are thriving and I'll never get tired of flaunting it in front of you." I say. It feels good to get these words off my chest. I don't waste a lot of time thinking about my mother, she doesn't deserve it. But after everything she did to Cora and I, I think she deserves to hear these things.

I walk back to my bustling house at a slow pace, enjoying the cool, peaceful evening. The pack is settling in for the evening, the sun setting and the moon becoming visible. I look up at it and smile, grateful for where I am. I walk in the door to see Cora and Ben snuggling on the couch. Ben has a sippy cup of water and Cora is running her fingers through his hair affectionately. Warmth blossoms in my chest at the sight. I feel Owen come up from behind me and wrap his arms around my waist, his hands landing on my belly as he tucks his face into my neck and presses a gentle kiss against my skin.

I turn in his arms and look up at him, smiling as I take in his features. Despite how long we spend together I am always in awe that this beautiful, perfect man was made just for me.

Owen scoops me in his arms and sits on the couch next to the kids, putting me on his lap and tucking my head under his chin. I burrow further into him, sparks licking my body as he pulls a blanket over us. It doesn't take long for Ben to end up in my arms and Cora in Owen's side. He puts an arm around her and takes her braid, tickling her face with the end of it. Her sweet laughter rings out and we all settle back in together.

Everyone else is watching the movie, but I'm watching them all with warm affection.

My family.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please consider following me or checking out my profile, I have other completed books as well!

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