Chapter 29

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Owen and Liam needed to leave to check the pack borders, the warriors were on edge having a human on the pack and Owen thought it would be good for them to see the Alpha be unaffected. Especially when that human doesn't know their secret. So Gavin and I were left to our own devices for supper.

"Grace..." Gavin says. My eyes lift from my plate to look at him.

"What?" I ask in a very unladylike manner, my mouth full of pasta.

"Would you be offended if I slept with Owen's brother?" He asks and I choke on my food. I sputter and cough a few times before taking a large swallow of wine.

"You want to sleep with Liam?" I ask incredulously and he nods. My heart drops at the understanding of what that would mean.

"Gavin... It's kind of soon don't you think? I mean, you just met him." I say gently. Normally I would tell him to do what makes him happy. I have no issues with who he sleeps with or when, but if he has sex with Liam it would solidify their bond and Gavin doesn't know that Liam is a werewolf yet.

"That's not like you." Gavin says, scowling at me a bit. I sigh because he's right.

"I know and normally I would say get you some but this is Owen's brother..." I say and he nods as his face looks thoughtful.

"You're right. I don't want to hit it and quit it with your brother in law and leave you to pick up the pieces of his undoubtedly broken heart." He says and I snort out a laugh and take another bite.

"Just give it another day or two. Maybe you could develop real feelings for him." I say shrugging nonchalantly and it's Gavin's turn to snort.

"Yeah right, sugar. You know my dating history. The men I pick always turn out to be assholes. There is no way a man as good looking as that could settle for me." He says, a somber look on his face and I feel frustration settle in my gut.

"Gavin. You are amazing. Funny, sweet, thoughful, loyal as fuck apparently because I never thought you'd traverse a mountain to save me from a cult. You're incredible and don't you ever sell yourself short. I can pretty much promise that Liam will see that in you too. He's a good guy and I think you would be good together." I say, squeezing his hand affectionately and he smiles wide at me.

"Thank you, Grace. You have no idea how much that means to me." He says quietly, his voice full of emotion. I smile back at him just as the front door snaps shut. Shortly after Liam and Owen come into the kitchen.

Both shirtless.

Great. Now Gavin is definitely going to want to bone Liam.

I hear Gavin let out a little squeak from next to me and look over at him, his eyes wide and jaw slack as he takes in Liam's large, muscular frame. Liam gives Gavin a sweet smile before grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. Gavin watches Liam's throat as he swallows the liquid and adjusts himself in his chair. I elbow him in the side and his eyes snap over to me, furrowing in annoyance. He leans over closer to me so he can whisper.

"Well, excuse me for enjoying the free show. It should be illegal to be that hot. In fact, I'm gonna find me a pair of handcuffs for that man. Citizens arrest." He says, waggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes and look over at Liam who is smiling wide and trying not to laugh, since he could hear every word Gavin just said.

"Is there any dinner left for us?" Owen asks, pecking a kiss to my lips.

"Of course." I say with mock offense.

"I'll get you a plate, handsome. You just go sit and relax you look like you've had a long day." Gavin coos to Liam, pushing him gently towards the table. Liam shudders when Gavin's hands land on his bare skin and I can't help but roll my eyes as Gavin piles food on a plate for Liam and sets it down in front of him.

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