Chapter 16

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It had been five days since Owen agreed to let me fight. He spent his time talking strategy with the rest of the pack and training me in hand to hand combat as well as making sure my magic skills were honed. It had been so long since I used them that they were rusty. I was able to levitate ten feet above the ground now which was a huge improvement and could definitely give us an advantage during the fight. Owen was gone doing some work, so I made a mug of hot chocolate and went out to the porch with a blanket to sit and think. Tony was still my guard, but he stayed outside of the house and looked like he was going to pee his pants every time I said something to him. He heard the door open and came to stand in front of the house, facing away from me.

“Tony, come sit with me, will you?”

“That’s ok Miss Grace. I don’t want to intrude on you.” He shifted his weight like he was antsy and averted his gaze. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Tony. I want to talk to you.” He reluctantly climbed the stairs and sat in a chair a few feet away from me.

“Do you think I would be a good Luna, Tony?” He looked surprised at my question. He sat in quiet contemplation for a minute. Long enough for me to think I wouldn’t like the answer.

“I think you would be an excellent Luna. You are kind and thoughtful. You speak with members of the pack in a way that makes them feel equal to you. Alpha’s always give off an air of dominance, but Luna’s can get away with being softer. Pack members almost look at them as princesses. Good ones are beloved and fiercely protected. I think that could be you. Plus, you’re a badass. I know I would want you on our side versus against us any day.” I smiled at his answer.

“I like it here. It’s quiet and the people are so friendly. It’s like the family I never got to have. I can’t imagine going back to Seattle now, but I still worry if the pack will accept a witch as their Luna.” Tony took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Can I speak freely Miss Grace?”

“Of course.”

“I was a little skeptical at first. I’ve only ever heard negative things about witches. I thought the Alpha was crazy for bringing you here. But after getting to know you, seeing what you’ve done for us, how you’ve protected our town and trained to fight with us, I have no doubt that the Alpha did the right thing. We’d be lucky to have you as our Luna.” I felt tears gather in my eyes, but I was sure such emotion would make Tony uncomfortable, so I blinked them away.

“Thank you, Tony. And don’t worry, I’ll never blow your dick off.” I reached over to pat his arm and we both laughed. Tony got up to “walk the perimeter” so he said. I think he wanted to leave the emotional conversation. Ugh, men.

I was still sitting on the porch when I heard my phone ring. I saw Gavin’s face pop up on my screen and I smiled.

“Hey, Gavin!”

“Girl, when are you coming back? This place is bull shit without you.” Thinking about the hospital and my coworkers made me sad. I hadn’t thought about the life I would be leaving behind much lately, what with the whole vampires trying to kill us thing.

“I don’t know Gavin. I really like it here. I don’t know that I will come back.” Silence. Something I wasn’t used to with Gavin.

“Grace. You be honest with me. Is he keeping you there against your will?” I laughed at Gavin, thinking about him coming to rescue me. My little queen going head to head with werewolves. That’d make a great movie.

“No, not at all! I honestly just really love it. It’s so quiet and everyone is so nice. And Owen is just… perfect. He’s perfect.” My voice got quiet at the end and I couldn’t help the smile on my face.

“Ok. Well, you think about it. In the meantime, I have to tell you what Britney did. So, this bitch….” I listened to Gavin gossip for another half hour, went inside and ate some dinner. It was getting late and I was surprised Owen wasn’t back yet. I had the sudden urge to hold him and talk to him. The day had been stressful, only because I couldn’t stop obsessing over this decision. I popped my head out the window.

“Tony?” he came running around the side of the house like a bat out of hell.

“What is it Miss Grace? Are you ok?” He looked around frantically for some kind of threat. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Everything’s fine, I was just wondering if you could mind link Owen and ask him when he’ll be home.” Tony looked at me confused.

“Why didn’t you just call him?” I felt my cheeks heat up with a blush. Oh. My. God. I’m such an idiot.

“You’re right, Tony! I’m sorry I’ll call him!” I went to close the window and he put his hand up to stop me.

“He said he’s almost done and should be home soon.” I felt my heart speed up.

“Thanks Tony!” I headed up the stairs to shower, shave and moisturize. I have come to an important decision and I can’t wait to tell, and show, Owen what I have decided.

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