Chapter 30

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The next morning I had nervous flutters in my belly about how Gavin would react to the whole werewolf thing. I knew I had to tell him with the way he was undressing Liam with his eyes all morning. He would not be able to keep from tapping that.

And he shouldn't have to.

But we all agreed he should know the truth as Liam would likely mark him during. I guess it takes a lot of willpower to hold back your wolf. Owen was able to, but Liam likely wouldn't.

"Gavin, honey. How about we go for a little walk and have a chat." I say with a bright smile. He pulls his gaze from Liam and looks at me curiously.

"Now what are you going to tell me? Mermaids are real?" He asks sarcastically with a scoff and I narrow my eyes at him.

"No, Gavin. Well..." I trail off and look at Owen curiously. He shakes his head and I let out a disappointed huff.

Daddy Triton isn't real after all. What a shame.

"Let's go." I say pulling him out the front door and threading my arm through his. We wander around town for awhile in a content quiet, breathing in the fresh, crisp morning air. It's my favorite time of day and I would be enjoying it more if I wasn't worried about Gavin having a dramatic breakdown in a few minutes.

"As much as I love this little Hallmark moment, what's going on, sugar?" He asks and I let out a heavy sigh.

"So, Gavin. I'm a witch. I've already proven that to you, right?" I ask.

"Yes...." He says with an annoyed look.

Patience never was his thing.

"So if I'm a witch, it's safe to assume that there might be other... creatures out there right? Supernatural beings that hide in plain sight?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I suppose. Why? What are you trying to tell me?" He asks and stops walking to turn and face me.

"What I'm trying to tell you is that every other person in this little town but me, is a werewolf." I say, cringing a little as I rip off the band aid.

Gavin's mouth drops in shock and he looks around a little before looking back at me, shaking his head.

"No way. A witch is one thing, but full on werewolves? Girl, you gotta be fucking with me." He says seriously and I can't help an anxious giggle from escaping me.

Wait until he hears about mates.

"I'm sorry, Gavin, but it's true." I say and he shakes his head.

"No way. Nu uh. Prove it." He says defiantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You want me to have Owen come shift for you?" I ask gently and he nods.

"Yep. You gotta be playing a prank on me." He says and I roll my eyes while mind linking Owen.

He and Liam show up a few minutes later, Liam going to stand next to Gavin but he keeps a little bit of a distance when Gavin eyes him nervously.

"You sure about this?" Owen asks Gavin and he nods firmly.

"Show me what you got." Gavin says and Owen grunts before taking off his clothes. Gavin's mouth drops and he averts his eyes.

"That's not what I meant!" Gavin squeals and I can't help but chuckle.

"He has to take off his clothes so he doesn't rip them when he shifts." I say, rubbing my hand up and down his arm trying to help him relax.

"If you wanna see me shift you better turn around." Owen says gruffly, not happy to be shifting at request as if it's some magic trick. Gavin looks back at Owen, his eyes not drifting from his face.

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