Death From Above (Audelia POV)

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I don't know where I was going. 

I just....

Needed to get away.

To feel something other than pain and anger.

I felt so numb, and broken. Jaime telling me that he would choose Cercei over me.... broke me.

I was a cracked statue of my previous self, and I wasn't sure how to piece myself back together.

The only thing that made me feel any kind of emotion was...


I hated it. I always hated unnecessary violence. But right now, it was the only thing I could do. I needed to get my anger out on something. So any man that crossed my way, looked at me the wrong, or tried to make any advances, paid with their life.

I was on my way to Riverrun. Brienne tried to come with me, but she couldn't. I liked it better that way, I didn't want her sympathetic looks. 

I wasn't good enough for the great Jaime Lannister. 

Alright then. 

I knew I had to get to my brother Robb, and my mother but I wasn't prepared to face them. To see their pain to feel their wrath. I just needed to get away. But I couldn't just leave, they needed me. So I forced myself to go.

I had acquired a rather nice sword after killing another one of my victims with the dagger Bronn gave me. I didn't feel any remorse. I didn't feel anything when I cut their throat, or stabbed them in the eye. But I desperately wanted to.

I had become so cold, even death didn't scare me.

After a couple kills, word spread. They of course didn't know who I was, and I made sure to hide my face at all times. But people talked. I would often hear them murmur about another death when I sat in a pub. They called me

The Reaper

The Slayer

Death from Above

I didn't mind, I needed a constant reminder of the horrible things I was doing. I needed something to remind me that the blood on my hands will never wash away. That I was guilty.

I wonder what father would say to me now.

"A drink for a pretty lady", said a man's voice from behind me. I didn't bother turning around.

"No thanks", I replied coldly.

"Oh come on, don't reject me yet. I think I could serve you nicely in bed...", flirted the man. I was sitting outside, alone when he came out, I looked at him, gripping the handle of my dagger tightly.

"No, you wouldn't", I reply, he smirked.

"You are playing hard to get. Stop the act, just let me prove to you-", he continued but I didn't care. I plunged the dagger deep into his chest and he looked at me shocked.

"I would wait for a maester before pulling it out", I whisper and he looked at me with shock and anger.

"You bitch!", he half yelled. He looked down at the dagger as I pulled my hood and mask on. "I will find you, and I will make you pay, you crazy cunt!", he yelled, as I was walking away. I turned around and quickly walked back to him.

"In that case, I'll take the knife back", I sneer and pull the dagger out. It came out with a satisfying noise and the man dropped to the floor, bleeding out.

Nothing would save him now.

"Men never listen, do they? They think just because they have penises they are worthy of my time.", I scoffed and chuckled. "Pathetic".

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