Twins are not meant to be Lovers. Or are they?(Jaime POV)

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It was a long ride in the boat to King's Landing from Riverrun. I hadn't realized before but perhaps I did get seasick easily, or it was just Ser Davos's rowing.

The Red Keep could be seen from far away, and it was just as large, and beautiful as the day I left it. Only now when I looked at it, I remembered the pain, and my body began to hurt. Once upon a time, I thought it was my home. Now I know better. Home isn't a place, it's a person. And it took me 40 long years to meet my home, and recognize it before I finally felt at peace.

"Last time I was here, my father was killed, my son was poisoned, and I almost started a brawl with the High Septon", I said, my voice louder than the waves around us. We had arrived on the side of the Keep, closed off from unwanted eyes.

"Last time I was here, your brother and family killed my son", replied Ser Davos, standing next to me for a moment. I looked down. Thank the Gods I wasn't there when it happened. If I were, I don't doubt, Ser Davos would have thrown me overboard ages ago. And nobody would have known it was him.

"There's a path to the left. That hides the cliff. The guards hardly ever patrol it. Too many steps", explained Ser Davos and pointed at the rocky path. It was clear anybody rarely walked on it, with how dirty and old it looked. 

I began to walk towards it, but Ser Davos walked faster towards the path. "You're not staying here?", I asked, surprised.

"I've got me own business in Flea Bottom", informed Ser Davos and continued to walk.

"What if someone takes the boat?", I asked, still astonished with how careless this was.

"Then we're fucked. Best hurry. If you're not here by the time the sun lowers down to that cliff there, I'm leavin'", replied Ser Davos and walked up the steps. I watched him for a moment with an open mouth, as I couldn't believe this. But then snapped back, and walked after him.

He was right, we had to hurry. But I doubted I would be leaving King's Landing with him, if I would be leaving at all.

It wasn't long before I was apprehended by the City Guards. Turned out that my golden hand, and somewhat golden hair was pretty recognizable. Who would've thought.

Without even saying anything, they took me with them, without letting me out of sight to the Red Keep where I was quickly handed over to the Queen's Guards, who took me to the Throne room.

"Oh Jaime", whispered Cersei as I was brought into the throne room. The Queen's Guards that held me in place between them, and lowered me roughly onto the steps. "You couldn't live in the North, could you? It brought you back to me. Surrounded by wolves, and old fish. The smell must have been horrible".

"Cersei-", I tried to begin but she didn't let me say another word.

"You won. Must be proud of yourself. I heard you have a newborn son, what was his name?", began Cersei, still not having turned around to face me.

"You tried to kill me", I decided to begin that conversation. Clearly she was not keen on hearing me talk, but I had to make her.

"Starks are hard to kill, isn't that what you are now? A Stark?", she asked in return, and finally turned around to face me. I couldn't decide what emotion I felt towards her, disgust, fear, or hatred. A mixture of all perhaps would be the most accurate description.

"Leave us", she ordered loudly, and the Queen's Guards obliged, leaving immediately. Qyburn also bowed, leaving only after a moment's hesitation. The wary looks in his eyes never left, not until he closed the heavy doors after himself.

"Why have you come? I doubt you missed me", asked Cersei, sitting down on the Iron Throne. Clearly her having me come meet her here was to show her power, and to remind me who sits on the Iron Throne.

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