In the Lion's Den(Third Person POV)

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*Stay safe out there. We stand with Ukraine. Remember, far from all Russians want this. I was born in Russia myself, I don't live there anymore, thank God. Neither I, or my Family support any of it, and I assure you that almost no other Russian citizen does either. Blame the government. Stay safe, stay kind*


"Your Grace", said the Blackfish. "Would it truly be wise to travel to the enemies lands? Why can't the meeting be held somewhere more neutral? Harrenhal perhaps".

"It has already been decided, my Lord", replied Audelia calmly. 

"Cersei invited me to King's Landing. I'll go to King's Landing but not alone. Call the Banners", ordered Audelia. Lord Blackfish smiled to himself before nodding to one of his men to do what the Queen asked of him. Sometimes Audelia reminded him so much of Robb.

"Wise choice, your Grace", continued the Blackfish proudly. 

"You know, I once asked my Father how can a man be brave if he is afraid? That is the only time a man can be brave, he told me", said Audelia and turned to look at him. Snow was falling all around them but they ignored it. It was a wasteland in front of them, flat with no houses, or mountains, or rivers. Just like a dessert, only snow. It was a calming presence, nothing like the busy streets of King's Landing, or the Houses pressed against each other with barely enough room for all the occupants. The North has perhaps less people, but it was stronger because of it.

"I am afraid Uncle. Completely terrified", Audelia finally admitted. She hadn't told anyone, not even Jaime before he left. She was too afraid to admit it. She didn't want to show her cracks, because then everyone else would begin to crack too. She couldn't show weakness to others. Not to her loved ones or those she didn't trust. But she has always been truthful with Uncle Brynden, and she wouldn't stop now. He was a cold man to others, but a warm and kind Uncle to her. He never turned a deaf ear to her pain, and suffering, and complaints. It was why her Uncle Edmure was so jealous, he hated the fact how well Blackfish and her got along. 

"Good. You would be a fool not to be", replied Uncle Brynden and smiled at her, feeling proud of who she has become. She had truly grown from a young little pup into a true, strong, ruthless she wolf. Just like her parents always taught her and her siblings to be. Who couldn't be prouder?

Audelia turned and saw Arya approach, her hand on her sword. Audelia couldn't help but smile at her young sister. She wasn't a child anymore, she was a woman, a Warrior. A good one. Arya truly did become who she wanted to be.

Audelia nodded to her Uncle, silently telling him to go. He nodded back, and bowed before walking away, and past Arya.

"You used to be taller", said Arya as she stopped right beside Audelia, and also looked out into the snowy wasteland.

"And you used to be smaller", replied Audelia with a smile. "You may no longer be, but you will always be my Tiny".

Arya rolled her eyes, but a fond smile also spread over her lips. She remembered the god awful nickname Audelia had given her when they were younger. She seems to be unable to escape it.

"Where we you before? I could have used your help with Jon", said Audelia and Arya smiled at the mention of their brother. 

"He doesn't like your Lannister, does he?", she asked and Audelia sighed.

"Not completely. Can't blame him. Jaime is not exactly well liked around these parts of the world", replied Audelia.

"Or any part of the world", added Arya and Audelia nodded.

"He is defending our family", continued Arya and Audelia nodded in understanding.

"He's my family too", replied Audelia and even though Arya did not approve of Jaime, or like him. She had to respect him as her future Brother-by-law. He would be part of the family whether she liked it or not. She might as well learn to live with him.

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