Second Chance(Third Person POV)

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"As soon as we heard about the Wall, I called all our bannermen to retreat back to Winterfell", announced Audelia, as she sat in the middle of the table, on her unimpressive, but delicately carved out chair, that also served as a throne, as some liked to believe it to be.

"Lord Umber", the Queen called upon the young boy that had sword fealty to her not so long ago. He was still a boy, still too young. He had no knowledge, no experience, no family to turn to. But he was proving himself to be a strong, and a competent Lord. But the Long Night will be a challenge for him, to test him in front of the Gods.

"When can we expect your people to arrive?", Audelia asked. She had, what Jaime called it, her 'Queen' face on. A face that revealed no emotion, no thoughts, no opinion. It was blank and straight. A face that Jaime always felt awe and respect towards when seeing it, but hated it when it returned in their most private moments.

The young Lord Umber stood up, and walked towards the High Table, stopping a few feet before it. "We need more horses and wagons, if it pleases, my Queen", Lord Umber replied, and looked towards the Dragon Queen for a moment, but he looked away, out of fear, or out of respect. It was hard to tell.

Jaime stood behind Audelia, arms crossed, more as a shadow than anything else. While the Lords and Ladies present were rather intimidated by his presence, the others paid no mind to it. 

"You will have as many as we can spare. Hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your people here", Audelia ordered and Lord Umber bowed respectfully, thankful for the assistance and retreated back to his seat. 

"We need to send ravens to the Night's Watch as well", Jon added, mostly directed to Audelia. "There is no sense in manning the castles anymore. We make our stand here".

Audelia nodded in agreement and looked at Maester Wolkan. "At once, your Grace", The man bowed as well, understanding his next assignment, and leaving the room to complete it quickly. Everyone understood that there was no time to waste, and the days were numbered. 

"Your Grace?", called out Lyanna Mormont, and everyone quieted at the young girl's voice. It seems, the respect for the young Mormont has only grown with her continued presence at Winterfell. 

"So you are still Queen of the North", Lyanna continued, standing and looking approving of the turn of events. 

"I am. I was chosen by the Northerners to fill the commitment as Queen of the North, and I intend to honor that commitment, Lady Mormont", Audelia replied calmly, her voice levelled. It was much different from her normal voice. The political voice she used was void of any emotion. It sounded much colder and emotionless. 

"It is the honor of my life. I will always be grateful for the honor of your faith", Audelia added, and turned to look at Daenerys for a moment.

"We need allies now, more than ever. It was why I send my brother Jon to negotiate with Queen Daenerys. He has arranged us another ally. An ally with two full grown dragons, and one of the biggest and strongest armies in the entire world", continued Audelia, and some of the Lords began to whisper amongst themselves. Clearly not approving of having a Targaryen amongst them. But Audelia hoped they would realize how important it was to have her and her power here.

"And soon, the Lannister army will ride North to join our cause", added Tyrion from his seat beside his Queen. Those words caused an uproar of emotions amongst the present Lords and Ladies.

"We already have two Lannister traitors amongst us, why add more?!", someone screamed in the crowd, but Audelia could not see who it was.

"I know our people haven't been friends in the past", Tyrion spoke up again. "But we must fight together now or die".

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