Nothing Ever Goes According To Plan(Third Person POV)

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"Absolutely not!", Audelia exclaimed as Jaime and Uncle brought up the idea. She could not let Jaime go to Highgarden, go South at such a crucial time. Not only were they too close to the battle that would determine the lives of everyone on this Earth, but her pregnancy was coming to an end. And she needed Jaime desperately with her here, by her side.

"Lilibet, we need the supplies. Besides, Jon has already travelled to Daenerys and will surely soon secure the alliance. Then we are entitled to those supplies just as much as Highgarden because we would be allies", tried to argue Jaime and Audelia narrowed my eyes at him, he flinched slightly, recognizing the look of 'Don't treat me like I'm stupid'.

"And if he doesn't? And you travelled across the world only to be met with a force that will get you killed?", Audelia asked, surely proving what a terrible idea this was.

"Then I will talk to Lady Tyrell and convince her to aid our purpose", he assured her and she shook her head, not liking this at all.

"I agree with him, Lia. We need the supplies, we need the men, we need the support. If what the bastard-", Uncle chimed in and Audelia interrupted him.

"Jon", she said and he continued, as if she hadn't said anything.

"-says is true, then we need everybody. And even that might not be enough. But I'd rather be safe than sorry", he concluded, and Audelia sat down by her desk, her head in her hands.

"Please leave me to talk to Jaime", Audelia said quietly and Uncle nodded, bowing his head before walking out.

Jaime quickly crossed the room and lowered himself beside his love, now that they were alone. 

"I know, I know that this is not ideal", he began, his hands running up and down her arms and she looked up at him.

"Ideal? This is not just unideal, this is disastrous. Jaime the Tyrells loathe you and the Lannisters. What makes you think that even if they were obliged to provide help, they would?", Audelia asked looking at him. She felt the baby kick as if supporting her point or fighting against it, but she didn't acknowledge it.

"I can't lose you Jaime. I just can't", Audelia whispered and Jaime quickly pulled her head into the crook of his neck in an attempt to soothe her.

"Shh, I know, I know. And you won't. I promise you", he whispered back to Audelia as she breathed in his scent. He smelled like the deepest of forests, and the soaps that they used in the baths just last night.

"You can't promise me that", she replied back weakly. "Nobody can."

"But I can promise to try my best. We need the supplies, Lilibet. We need it. More than anything. Without it we don't stand a chance", Jaime continued into her ear, causing her to sigh heavily. Just as she thought things were finally stabilizing in her life.

"So either you let me go to Highgarden and get the supplies or I take you as far South as it gets from here", Jaime finally said, his voice suggesting that he was not looking for compromise, but for a decision.

"Not really a choice then, is it?", Audelia asked, forcing a small sad smile on her face.

"No, not really", he agreed, giving her a quick kiss on the lips, before pulling away to look at her. His hand, as always, radiated to the bump, where their babe was as restless as ever, right underneath her heart.

"Promise me you will stay safe, not take unnecessary risks, and withdraw if something does not go according to plan", Audelia said, clear distress in her voice and he looked up at her, right into her eyes.

Gods those green eyes. The first thing she truly fell in love with in him. They were clear windows to his soul, clear windows to his true emotion, to who he truly was. Not the cocky, arrogant, egoistic man that Audelia thought he was at first. But the kind, gentle, brave, strong man.

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