Reuniting Brothers(Third Person POV)

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"Absolutely not", said Audelia, not even letting Jaime finish his sentence. 

"Audelia-", Jaime tried to argue but she wasn't listening, instead she was picking up blankets from the floor that they had kicked off during their sleep.

"Must I remind you what happened last time you left?", she asked, and Jaime involuntarily flinched at the reminder of how he wasn't there, and his supposed death almost caused Ned to grow up without parents, as an orphan.

Audelia noticed immediately, and relaxed her features. She walked towards him, and put her hand on his cheek, feeling his beard.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. What if something happens again? What if this is a trap from Cersei? She tried to kill you once, she must want to do it again", Audelia argued, although softly this time. Jaime couldn't deny, he saw her side of the view, but he had to try.

"And what if it isn't?", he asked in a quiet voice, mindful of the sleeping baby on the bed. "Tyrion wouldn't write to me unless it was important. I have to go see. Besides, it will be in Riverrun, your Uncle is there".

Audelia snorted at the mention of her Uncle. His incompetence had not escaped her either. "It would be safer if my Uncle wasn't there, Jaime. But, if you insist so much on going, at least take Bronn and a few soldiers with you. We need to ask for some of the wheat that Uncle Edmure promised us anyway".

"Thank you", replied Jaime, kissing her softly. He knew how much it hurt her to let him go. It hurt her just as much as it would hurt him if he had to let her go somewhere.

"And, Sansa will come with you", added Audelia, and when Jaime looked confused, she decided to explain.

"Tyrion and her are, by law, married. And she has told me about his kindness to her. I am sure she would like to apologize for running away, letting him be framed for Joffrey's murder. Besides, she is practically my Hand here", explained Audelia and Jaime smiled softly.

"Alright, if that will make you feel better", he caved in. Audelia smiled, hugging him once again.

"Promise me you'll come back", she whispered, not meeting his eyes. Her head was rested right below his chin. "Promise me Jaime".

"I promise", he whispered, and he knew he meant it.

Riverrun was quiet when Jaime arrived that night. Most people were asleep, thank the Gods, otherwise they would be watching him like Hawks. The Night Guards had to let him through even if they didn't really want to.

"Lord Jaime, what a surprise to see you. My niece wrote to me, told me that you were here to supervise the pickup of the wheat we had prepared for them", greeted Lord Edmure, with a sarcastic smile. Jaime returned the gesture.

"Yes, the Queen has ordered that", Jaime lied easily.

"Must feel weird. Being sent here, doing a task saved for those of lower rank in the army", Edmure teased mercilessly. The smirk stayed on his face while Jaime continued to smile sarcastically.

"Is it our place to question the orders of the our Queen?", Jaime asked in return. 

Sansa walked out of the carriage and stepped foot on the soft, muddy soil of the ground. Her face remained carefully calm when she walked over, but Audelia and Sansa were a lot alike, so Jaime was able to read her. She was nervous, agitated perhaps, and not too happy about seeing Edmure.

"Uncle", she greeted him and Edmure smiled at her. It was clear that he saw the little girl she once was, not the strong woman she is.

"Sansa, pleasure to see you again", he greeted her back. Instead of saying anything else, Sansa just nodded and walked past him into the castle. Jaime began to follow her but Edmure stopped him.

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