chapter 3

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Noah seemed nice but I knew better. Everyone has a alternative agenda. Something secret, something they won't share until it benefits them.  I had already decided that they won't find out about the abuse, I can't let them see me as broken.

Noah turned the engine off as we arrived at the front of a house, no mansion. They were definitely rich.
"Do you like it" Noah asked and I nodded, not being able to form any words. I was about to meet my other brothers and I felt even more nervous. Living with Kevin was hard enough but 3 strangers who are apparently my brothers seemed even worse. "I know it's big but don't worry you will find your away around in time. Let's go meet your brothers. I know they might seem scary and I'm not going to lie or tell you some bullshit a social worker would say. Sebastian is no nonsense,don't piss him off and you will be fine. Lucas well he's a little bitchy at the moment but he's ok when he isn't drunk or high"  Noah explained and I knew right then I was done for.
Alcohol and drugs were something I regularly saw Kevin with.
What if I pissed Sebastian off? Would he hit me?
"Don't worry though, I saw Sebastian smile when he told us you were coming. He never smiles" Noah probably saw my fear and was trying to reassure me. He probably was smiling thinking of ways he could hurt me.

We entered the house and I felt out of place,  everything looked expensive, clean and new. I shuddered at the thought of breaking something. I had broken a plate when I putting it away and in return Kevin had stabbed me with all the shards from the plate. I deserved it though. I should have been more careful.

"Sebastian, Lucas get your butts down now" Noah shouted and within minutes I saw 2 men appear from the top of the stairs. Both looked terrifying, Noah somehow didn't seem scary any more.
It was obvious who Sebastian was as his face was straight, no emotion, he looked even scarier than Noah and Lucas combined. His suit made him seem even more serious,I saw a tattoo on his hand, leading me to believe he probably had more.
Lucas looked annoyed. That was never good. He would probably take it out on me.  He wore ripped jeans and a simple t-shirt, but no matter how casual he dressed it was obvious how deadly he was.
"Hello Riley, I am Sebastian, the oldest. I hope your journey was pleasant" Sebastian introduced holding his hand out for me to shake. I reluctantly took it knowing it would be rude if me not too. It felt like I was a client being greeted by a businessman. "I'm Lucas" Lucas said and turned to Sebastian "can I go now" now it was Sebastians turn to look annoyed making me step back. I didn't want him to take it out on me even though he would at some point. "Just let him go Sebastian, he's only going to have a attitude and you both will end up argueing scarying our dear sister" Noah stepped in and I was thankful he did. "Fine go" Sebastian looked even more annoyed now.  Lucas was quick to leave.  "I apologise for that, Lucas can be quite annoying at times. I have to finish of some work but in the meantime Noah will show you your room and then we will have dinner as a family"  he then left leaving me with Noah who looked at me expectantly "so what do you think" he asked. I decided to anwser him after all I couldn't give them any ideas about me being abused and the lack of talking might be a clue. "Sebastian is very formal, kind of feels like I just made a business deal with the devil" I say and Noah bursts out laughing. "I love that comparison.  Your now my favourite sibling. Come on let's get you settled in. It's just a guest room for now but I'm sure we can decorate it if you don't like it. I know teenage girls can be quite fussy when it comes to their room" he said and  I smiled a little but I was shocked when he led me upstairs. Maybe this was a prank. No I was probably going to the attic instead of the basement. "Sebastian likes you I can tell. Lucas likes you too, I know it may seem like they don't buy Lucas didn't insult you and Sebastian let Lucas go because he saw you didn't like the arguement that was about to occur. He never takes other feelings into account" Noah said as we walked up the stairs and down the corridor. "So this is my bedroom, across from me is Sebastian, next to me is Lucas and that leaves you next to Sebastian" Noah said pointing out the rooms.

(Visual of hallway, door layout. Letters represent initials and || represent doors)

_____|R |________|S |_____

_____|L |________|N|_______

He opened the door and I was amazed by what I saw. This must be a joke. It was beautiful. I had a bed. I hadn't slept in a bed since the day my mother died, 7 years. I had never seen a room like this before. "It's really nice thank you, are you sure it's for me though" the doubt crept back up, was this a prank?  "Of course it's for you and if you need one of us just knock on our door and we will come out or ask you to come in. Unless it's daytime then we will be at work, in our offices or in Lucas' case at school. Which reminds me we need to get you enrolled. I'm sure Sebastian has got that covered. Since you don't have much to unpack how about you just place your bag down and we can go on a house tour"  he talks do much, I do as he says though and soon he's pointing out all the rooms.

"Riley" his voice now seemed serious and my fear came back. It wasn't just fest of how scary he sounded but how quickly he could change. "Yes sir...I mean Noah" I messed up again. "You know how I pointed out Sebastian and Is offices" he starts and I nod so he continues. "You are ok to go to us if we are in them but upstairs you are not allowed up there. The only exception would be if you're dying or something like that" his tone was even more cold now and I knew one thing for certain. I was never going up those stairs.

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