chapter 22

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My anxiety rose as 2pm came and Noah went down to the lobby to bring the social worker up. I looked at Sebastian who was looking at me with uncertainty, it seemed he wanted to say something but decided against it.
"Don't you think it's weird, she wants to see me now but not when mum died" I ask and he nods "it's probably because we aren't known to be nice people" he said and I couldn't help but think how.
Sure Sebastian was scary but when you got to know him he was a teddy bear. But I wasn't oblivious though, I had seen his dark streak, the side of him that has anger issues.
That side terrified me but I understood why. He didn't have the best life and it made him build walls.
"Guys, Miss Sandra Harrison is here"
We both turned and in walked Noah and miss Harrison. Last time I saw her she had brought me to the police station.
"Hello Riley it's nice to see you again, It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr Adams"  she introduced. Sebastian walked over and with a forced smile held out his hand for Sandra "the pleasure is mine, I do apologize for the change in the meeting area" Sandra shakes his hand "oh it's quite alright. Shall we get started" she asked in a way to cheery voice. "Would you like me to stay or should I leave" Noah asked Sebastian but before Sebastian answered Miss Harrison did "it would be great if you stayed" Noah nodded "I do have to leave soon though".  Miss Harrison nodded "that's quite alright"

And with that the stupid meeting began.

Sebastian was sat to my left, Noah to my right and Miss Harrison on the sofa across.

"So Riley how is school going"

"It's fine thank you"

"I'm glad to hear that, why don't you tell me a bit about your brothers"

"Well what do you want to know" I ask confused, I realized in that moment I don't actually know much about them.

"Well their behaviour, their jobs, do they take care of you"

I felt both of them tense up at these questions.
"They take care of me, they are nice and I think Sebastian does something to do with business" I say not really knowing their jobs.
"I own a few hotels, clubs and restaurants" Sebastian clarified.
"And do you like living with your brothers" she asked, this question got to me slightly. I didn't like living with Kevin yet I still had to.
"Have they shown anger towards you"
"No" it was a lie, I had seen all three angry.
"What about rules, surely you must have some"
"Sure, but it's stuff like no alcohol or drugs" I tell her and she nods.
"Have they ever hit you"
I couldn't help but choke on this, Sebastian patted my back as I coughed. Noah looked pissed and I saw the hidden anger on Sebastians face "you think we would hit our own sister" Noah said in a chilling tone.
"Noah I think it's time you left " Sebastian said firmly, leaving no room for him to argue.

"Riley I need to talk to your social worker alone" I nod and quickly leave. I didn't want to be in the room but i did want to hear. As I left I noticed Noah was stood texting on his phone. No chance I'm going to get to listen now.

"How fucking dare you ask her that. I know why you wanted to meet in Florida, you want to take her back into the states custody, you believe the rumours about our family and want her away from it. I can assure you my sister is safe with us" Sebastian practically shouted making me jump. Noah's head shot up from his phone and he glared. I shuddered, he was probably angry at me because I heard but I wasn't listening in.
"I swear I didn't mean to hear that" I said but he didn't listen instead he walked closer. I couldn't help it and on instinct I shielded my face with my hands. All the talk of abuse and Sebastians shouting had gotten me feeling  on edge. Noah paused for a split second then pulled me into his chest. At first I panicked but I calmed when I realized it was just a hug.

"Well clearly you have some anger issues, what if you take them out on Riley"

I found myself hugging Noah back hearing my social workers words hurt.
"Let's go for a walk" Noah muttered as he held me tighter
"What about your meeting" I ask and he shrugs.
"If I leave for the meeting, you will be in your room hearing Sebastian shout. I don't think that's healthy" he said and I sighed he was right.  I suppose Noah isn't too bad today. His hug was nice, I preferred Sebastian though.

"You expect me not to be angry when I know you want to take my sister away"

"Well clearly this isn't a good environment and after I visit your home next month I will be bringing her back with me"

No. No. I couldn't stay here, I couldn't live here again. "Let's go" Noah said sensing my fear and led me towards the front door. Sebastian or miss Harrison didn't even glance which was probably because they figured it was just Noah leaving.

"Please don't let her bring me back here" I say, I knew Noah wasn't my biggest fan but he had to care even just a little bit.
"Don't worry about it, your stuck with us. Sebastian won't ever let that happen"

Ok so I have no idea what I'm doing with this chapter. It's terrible but hopefully the next will be better

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