chapter 26

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3rd person

"What the fuck is going on here" Sebastian said. The party had just tipped him over the edge.
"Well it was a small get together that got out of hand" Lucas replied, he saw how angry his brother was and knew not to mess with him. What he didn't know was that Sebastian was already angry before he walked in but the party had been one more thing to be angry about that Sebastian was struggling to keep calm.
"Ok this is between you and Lucas, let me take Riley, we are going to go get pizza" Noah said, he could feel the tension in the room which meant Riley felt it. He didn't want her to see the monster side of Sebastian so he knew it was best to take her out if the house.
"If there is any pizza left, seems like it's all over my house" Sebastian muttered but let go of Riley's hand.
"Don't be angry with him" she said quietly before following Noah out.
Sebastian watched her leave and his anger seemed to dissapear slightly. It shocked him how easily she could calm him.
Riley or no Riley, Sebastian has told him no parties, sure he wouldn't have minded if Lucas had a few friends round but this was much more than a few friends.
"I told you no parties" Sebastian said trying to stay calm.
"Nothing was broken" although Lucas was sorry, he also felt Sebastian was overreacting. He would clean up the mess and Sebastian would never tell the difference.
"I don't care Lucas, you disobeyed me. It's not about things getting broken. My house is trashed and half your friends are passed out on my floor" Sebastian felt the anger coming back, even Lucas saw it and considered just agreeing with Sebastian but after all the shit that had gone down he wanted to relax. He deserved that didn't he?
"I just wanted to have fun like a normal teenager" Lucas said but this triggered something in Sebastian. "I don't fucking care what you want. Clean this mess up and make sure your friends leave. If they are not out within 10 minutes I will see to it myself" Sebastian said in a tone which sent Lucas running to get his friends out before Sebastian could.

Sebastian watched as a few kids ran past and outside. His mind was somewhere else.

"Dad I don't want to fight, I just want to have fun and be a normal teenager" a young Sebastian said to his father, he had been training all morning and afternoon. "I don't fucking care what you want. You don't deserve fun, why should I allow a brat like you fun" his dad screamed. His dad had trainee him since he could walk. No matter how much his mum tried to protect him, Sebastian always felt the wrath of his father. Sebastian at the time was 16, he wanted to go hang out with his friends, he wanted to be normal. But then again as he thought more about it, he couldn't leave his siblings here alone. Noah was only 12, sure Sebastian knew Noah had his suspicions about dad but Noah didn't know the extent, whats worse Noah was to young and weak to protect Lucas who was only 9. He rather be beaten 1000 times then let anything happen to either of his brothers. The young boy was pulled from his thoughts as his father loomed over him with a menacing grin. "You deserve this"

Sebastian blinked, he couldn't go down that path. He noticed the kids were gone and thankfully so.
He wasn't angry at Lucas for having fun but for disobeying him. He would have much preferred Lucas to be round at his friends having the party and not here.
And then there was the fact that they kept weapons here, what if a drunk kid found one.


Noah was paying extra attention to Riley as they walked into town for the pizza. At first they were going to take a car but Noah had realized Lucas would be a while cleaning up, add on the lecture from Sebastian, it would waste more time for them to walk. Thankfully Riley didn't mind.
"You know" Riley asked, she could feel him watching her every movement.
"About your room, yes" Noah said in a blunt tone, if he wasn't blunt he would get angry and he didn't want that to happen in front of Riley.
"Is that why you're being nice, you pity me" she hated pity and never wanted it from anyone, how else could Noah's attitude be explained.
"No Riley, I do not do pity. Neither does Sebastian or Lucas" Noah paused and wondered if this was the appropriate location for this conversation. He decided it wasn't, he didn't know how things would go down so he shortened what he wanted to say. "I do not play favourites Riley and as you and Lucas are the youngest, I treat you both the same. You do something wrong and I'm going to be strict, regardless of your past" To his suprise Riley smiled "thank you" she told him, shocking him further. Riley preferred it this way, she didn't want him to be nice to her out of pity. This meant his current behaviour was genuine. She still had a few questions but like Noah she knew this wasn't a place for those questions to be asked.

"Let's go get pizza" Noah announced, not wanting to dwell on the current topic, at least not right now.

Riley happily agreed. She walked along side Noah, whose gaze never left her. He was ready to take action if something went wrong. Hopefully it didn't but he wasn't taking chances. It was after all New York.

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