chapter 98

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Noah did his best to handle the situation but finding his brother on the floor with seven fresh cuts was heartbreaking. He had seen his brother in worse condition but this time it was Sebastian's own doing. "It's okay, you are important , you are not a monster, let's fix up your arm" Noah comforted Sebastian.

Sebastian may have been the older brother, he protected his brothers with his life quite litterally growing up but he had no one to protect him so Noah helping him confused him in a way. Noah was definitely acting like the older brother in this situation and Sebastian felt guilty. He pulled his arm away from Noah "it's fine I'm okay, I can bandage it myself, you don't need to" Sebastian quickly reassured. He didn't need Noah to waste his time on him.
"I know you can do it yourself but you don't need too" Noah grabbed his arm and began cleaning it.

Noah saw Sebastian was quiet and decided to distract him in case he was having any dark thoughts.

"So guess what I heard" Noah said with a smirk. He had actually been dying to share this news with Sebastian for a while but due to Sebastian avoiding family he hadn't had chance.

"What did you hear" Sebastian asked.

"Well there is a little rumour that our  little brother has a little crush"  Noah smirked trying to word it in a playful manner.

"Doesn't he have a new fling every week or so" Sebastian rolled his eyes, he didn't particularly want to talk about his brother and the countless girls he slept with.

"Yes. Yes he does. But I was picking them up one day and I some how got talking to one of his new friends whilst waiting and   I made a comment about Lucas always taking the piss with how slow it was taking him and his friend goes 'he's probably talking to his girlfriend' now I know what you are thinking, I thought the same. Lucas doesn't do girlfriends, so I asked about it and who it was and his friend was like 'well she's not his girlfriend but he likes her so we tease him, I thought you knew he's going to kill me' " Noah explained in excitement. He had finally shared the news he had been dying to share.

"So we don't have a name" Sebastian asked, becoming interested in their brothers life.

"Nope. I haven't mentioned it to Lucas, it's not exactly something Id sit down and talk to him about" Noah shrugged as he reached for a bandage.

"Hm well as Lucas' legal guardian I think it is in my...i mean his best interest for me to find out who this girl is" Sebastian said with a smirk.

Noah smiled, Sebastian was returning to how he used to be and he was glad he told him.

"Yes his best interest" Noah said and rolled down Sebastian's sleeve.

"All done" Noah added and held out a hand for Sebastian to take.

Sebastian ignored it and stood up himself. "Thank you Noah" he meant it.

"No problem, I know we were joking about his interest but we do need to talk about your best interest" Noah said.

"I'll be fine, honestly, what I did was just a relapse, I won't do it again" Sebastian tried to convince himself and Noah, but he knew it probably wasn't true.

"Well I suppose let's go have dinner" Noah said.

Noah wouldn't  drop the topic completely but he did decide to give Sebastian time.

Over the next few days things got better between the brothers but worse between Riley and Sebastian.

Sebastian had accepted she won't forgive him and did as she asked which was stay away but Noah kept trying.

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