chapter 61

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The next morning wasnt as hectic, Noah couldn't help but watch Sebastian closely.
Noah was currently making breakfast and Sebastian was pouring coffee and juice.
Riley and Lucas walked in just as Sebastian and Noah put the food and drinks down.
"Morning children" Sebastian said.
"How did you both sleep" Noah asked.

Lucas rolled his eyes "so domesticated" he mumbled.
"I slept okay" Riley said and sat down next to Sebastian. Although she couldn't help but smile after hearing Lucas' comment.
"That's great Riley how about you Lucas" Noah said as they all were now sat.
"Yeah fine, what about you two"
Noah nodded and said he slept okay whilst Riley looked at Sebastian with concern. She was wondering if he had, had a nightmare.
"Yes fine, anyway we were talking this morning and we have come to the conclusion that we need to spend time together"
"But we already do" Lucas said.
Riley didn't say anything, Sebastian had changed the subject far to quickly.
"I said that" Sebastian mumbled.

Noah had been saying how they don't spend enough time together and they should do more but Sebastian couldn't help recall them gaming together last night.
"Yes well I mean out, it's never usually the 4 of us, so this weekend we are all going to do something together. We are all going to choose an activity and we will do it. So Riley Saturday morning , Lucas Saturday afternoon, Sebastian and I will take Sunday morning and afternoon" Noah explained.
"And it can be anything" Riley asked, she was already looking forward to the weekend.
"Yes anything you want just nothing illegal"
Lucas sighed dramatic "well there goes my plan, I thought we could all like form a mini gang and steal some cars, maybe rob a bank if there is time"
"Oh sure and after that we can break in to houses, do we need ski masks, gloves, rope?" Sebastian added.
"Enough, be serious about this" Noah said not wanting them to talk crime in front of Riley, although she was trying not to laugh.
"It seems mother has spoken" Lucas mumbled.

Riley smiled at their humour but that comment made her think of mum. How could she leave the boys? Riley found herself wishing her mum never left with her.
But then she remembered Sebastian and how he told her what their father was like, she knew Sebastian would protect her and she didn't want to be a reason why he got hurt, she didn't want to see the worst side of him or the others so it was probably best that their mum had taken her.

"You ok" Sebastian whispered.
"Just thinking about mum" Riley whispered back.
Sebastian froze, he didn't know how to comfort her in this situation. He often thought of mum and Riley when he was younger but he knew it was for the best. Her death didn't have much impact on him as she had already been gone 8 years when it happened but he hadn't known of her death until Riley came.

"It was sadly for the better she took you" Sebastian hated saying that but he knew his sunshine would be a cold hearted killer  by now  if she had stayed, her mind would have been twisted . "Yeah, I suppose Kevin was abusive but he didn't make me kill" Riley whispered so quietly that only Sebastian heard. Sebastian felt guilty, he didn't mean to bring Kevin into it. "Care to share with us" Noah asked, he presumed they were just having a conversation about the weekend. He had been talking to Lucas about it so he hadn't paid attention to them. "Nothing just stuff" Riley said. Noah wasn't pleased with the anwser, it concerned him, he looked over at Sebastian who had a murderous glint in his eyes, that look alone sent shivers down his spine but he knew Sebastian was handling whatever it was.

"I got it handled" Sebastian confirmed.
"You need any help" Noah asked, he knew by the glint in Sebastians eyes and Riley's sadness that this must be Kevin related or at least linked to him.
"Not at all" Sebastian said, he would just need to send a message and someone would beat the shit out of Kevin. Whatever he says goes after all

Noah wanted a turn at beating Kevin up, just looking at Riley made him angry, there was sadness and he didn't like to see her upset.
He couldn't get him though at least not yet but then he remembered what Riley had confessed the day they had spent together.
He had yet to tell Sebastian as things had been stressful with the social worker.
He knew he had to tell him but was this really a good time for him to find out after all he didn't consider Sebastian to be in a good place mentally.

He decided to let the subject go and to tell him later.

After breakfast finished Lucas and Riley got their school stuff together whilst Sebastian and Noah cleaned up, Noah wiping down everything and Sebastian washing up.
Sebastian had decided chores was a good idea when he took over as guardian for his siblings but they were still young and hd didn't want them to feel like he was ordering them about so they would share them between the three of them., Now 4 because of Riley.

Noah looked over at Sebastian, he felt guilty for not sharing what he knew. Sebastian needed to know.
"Sebastian" he had know idea how he was going to tell him.
"What's up" Sebastian asked.
"So Saturday I was with Riley and you with Lucas" he was struggling already.
"Yeah " Sebastian agreed, he was getting worried.
"We may have had a rough start because I hit Lucas and she was a little scared of me" Noah confessed.
Sebastian wasn't surprised,he knew by the lack of talking she wasn't ok with him that morning.
"But you obviously reassured her, she was pretty much laid on you when we got home" Sebastian said.
"Yeah I did. It's just she mentioned a few things when she explained her reasons and then we talked about her fears"
Sebastian was concerned by now and his attention was fully on Noah.
His sunshine shouldn't have fears.

"Well reason was Kevin, she was scared about the social worker taking her back. She mentioned his friends"  Noah rushed out giving a quick summary.
"Did they hurt her" Sebastian asked.
Noah nodded.
Sebastians eyes darkened. No one hurts Riley and gets away with it.
"I feel a business trip is in order" Sebastian said darkly.
"Only if I'm invited, Lucas is old enough to watch Riley"
"He may be old enough but I still don't trust him to supervise" Sebastian said as he thought back to the afternoon they left Lucas in charge.
"I need to do this. You wouldn't let me see Kevin, I want his friends"
Sebastian saw how serious Noah was and nodded. "I'll sort something"
Noah was pleased hearing this. "Also I think we should show her the third floor, just so she knows we have no torture rooms or anything up there" Noah added.
"Why would she think we do" Sebastian asked.
"Well I told her how proud I was of her that she went downstairs and how she trusted me enough to not lead her to s torture room, she asked about the third floor"
Sebastian understood and nodded "she can see after school"

He was still angry but Riley and Lucas walked back in. He had to hide his anger but he knew that Kevin's friends would not get away with it, after all he might have been hiding his anger but he was still thinking about how he would destroy them.

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