Chapter 26

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I'm sorry it's been so long . But , I've been sick and this dude keeps distracting me ;D But, I love you guys and you know how sorry I am(:


  I sighed and rolled over, hitting something hard. I frowned with my eyes still closed and reached out, patting the foreign object. I frowned deeper and squinted my eyes open, giving myself a heart attack.

 Cain was fast asleep, snoring lightly. I rolled my eyes and yawned, contemplating sleeping more. My eyes were closing slightly, when I was hit with a thought.

With a jolt, I sprung from the bed, heart beating fast. The memories from last night played like a slide show.

 I stumbled backwards a little, grasping my head in pain. Along with the pictures, there was a dull throbbing. It took up residence behind my eyes and grew more intense with every image. I forced my mind to stall and stop showing the images.

 It listened. I waited a moment for the room to stop spinning, before skidding down the hall and rushing to the kitchen. I grabbed some pills from the cabinet and downed them with a glass of water from the tap.

  The pain intensified with a vengeance, like it knew it was going to be gone soon. I stole a glance at the kitchen timer. The green numerals shone 6:40. I yawned again but, didn't want to sleep, afraid of nightmares.  

God, what were going to do?

 I leaned against the granite counter and put my head in my hands. It's not like we could catch him, or even know where he was at any time. The police were no help.

  I ground my teeth together in annoyance. The hate for my dad was building, about ready to explode. And when it did, one of us was going to be hurt badly. My mind spun in endless circles, all those thoughts getting me nowhere.

  I ran my hand through the dark strands of my hair, brushing through the knots carefully, as to not bring back the searing pain in my head that was finally dulling. I then came to a horrible conclusion.

We were sitting ducks.

Like perfectly wrapped presents for the bastard.

Now what was I going to do about it?

 I bit my lip, trying to find the perfect answer. I got nothing but a blank mind. I made a grunt of anger, squeezing my fingers tighter around the glass cup in my hand.

 A stair behind me squeaked and I spun faster than I believed possible. Cain stood at the bottom step, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He dropped his hand and smiled at me, making my heart flutter, even in this troublesome time.

 "Hi," I greeted softly.

 His green eyes brightened slightly, and he gave me a wider smile.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

I lifted the side of my lips in a half smile and sighed.

 "I've been better." I admitted, reaching up to rub my temples.

He frowned a little, before perking up again.

 "Then I'll be happy for the both of us." He lilted.

I tried not to, but after a minute of silence, a laugh slipped out of my lips at his sweet attitude.

"Come here," I called, reaching out my arms.

He shuffled over, smirking wider with every step. I out my arms around his neck, and his wrapped around my waist. I pulled him down and hugged him tightly. He was surprised at first, but soon he tightened his hold and let out a content sigh.

 I breathed in deeply, feeling my headache completely slip away. I pulled away after a minute and pecked him on the lips, feeling the familiar drop in my stomach. I glanced at the clock again, seeing nearly 15 minutes had passed.

 "We should start getting ready?"

I looked up at him with a cheeky smile and nodded, trying to shove the thoughts away. He took my hand and pulled me down the hall, back to the white room. We reached the door and pushed it open, just standing in the doorway, hands intertwined.

  Neither of us moved for a moment. Why? It was beyond me, I just didn't feel compelled to leave his side just yet. But, after a few minutes, I pulled away and bent over my duffel bag, yanking out a pair of dark-washed jeans and a large Green Day shirt.

  I waved Cain out of the room and shut the door, leaning against it for a moment. The thoughts appeared again and I was shaken by their ferocity.

Just what were we gonna do?

Hidden Beauty (Under Reconstruction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz